Show and tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home
Today’s post features an unusual framed picture I purchased at TJ Maxx a few years ago. Like last week's sculptures, this was also made in South Africa.
This picture is of an African woman carrying a bowl of produce on her head. The picture is made up of butterfly wings on a white cotton backing, framed in a gilt frame.
On the back a printed label reads:
"This picture of An African woman is made from real butterfly wings. These butterflies have lived for only a short period of time and have died naturally. The wings have been treated and preserved. Butterflies are truly the ‘jewels of creation’." Another paper label states, "Hand Made in South Africa"
The picture hangs in the hallway along with prints from China, Japan and Mount Vernon in Virginia.
To visit other Show and Tell posts, please go to Kelli’s. Do come again soon. Please leave a comment. Thank you for stopping by.
WOW that is amazing. I had no idea they used butterfly wings in such a way. They are so delicate. It must be a real art to put them together. Thanks for sharing such a special item.
Yes, WOW! What a beautiful picture! You were lucky to find it at TJ Maxx. Happy S&T. Thanks for sharing!
How unusual!!! My Hub has a butterfly collection hanging on the wall. I wonder if he would notice me using them in a craft picture? Of course, it wouldn't look like your picture so my guess is I'd better pass! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
that is so unique. The colors are so beautiful. It must be interesting to look at close up. Enjoy...
Isn't that just the enastest idea?? Beautiful!
How pretty!
My mother in law had a bracelet that had guitar pick-shaped links in it, and every one had a blue butterfly wing in it, with a scene painted on it in black - looked like silouette against a blue sky... It was beautiful...
Butterfly wings are colorful and
I could see why they're used in
artwork. This is very pretty.
What an unusual picture! Thanks for sharing!
What an unusual picture. I love TJ Maxx. You never know what you might find there.
Thanks for sharing.
What a great TJMaxx find!!
That is a different picture because of the butterfly wings. I once purchased a box of crafts at a garage sale and on the bottom of the box were cellophane packages of butterfly wings! I didn't know what to do with them, this would have been fun! I think I sold them at a garage sale too! ha
Wow! What a neat and beautiful piece of art, I love it!
P.s My mom got the teapots on Ebay.
Wow; that is unique!!
How very unique! I bet it's interesting to examine each wing up close.
What interesting artwork. I didn't even realize it was composed of butterfly wings. I'm glad they added the disclaimer that the butterflies weren't hurt to make the art though.
This is a truly amazing pic! Found it at TJ MAXX? Wow! Love, Esther
I really like that butterfly picture!! So very unique! You have so many unusual things!
Thanks for sharing with us!
bello, unico e originale!!
baci mary
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