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Showing posts with label hydrangeas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hydrangeas. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Summer Flowers

On my return from my California trip I found my garden pretty wilted by the heat and lack of water while I was away. But there were still some blooms and I've made a couple mosaice for Mary's Mosaic Monday event.

The Stella d'Oro daylily and Rose of Sharon plants were given to me last June by a friend. The hydrangeas and impatiens were bought at area garden centers.

This mosaic features hydrangeas. They are Endless Summer and were planted in 2008.

Be sure to visit Mary at Little Red House to see the mosaics prepared by other participants.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Share a Garden Sunday - Hydrangeas

It's time to share our gardens. Visit Color Outside the Lines to enjoy more shared gardens.

Last July I bought a couple potted hydrangeas at Agway. The plants were all suffering from the hot dry conditions outside the store, so they were priced to sell. I couldn’t miss the chance to finally have some lovely hydrangeas in the garden. Here they are on the front steps waiting to be planted. The white one was the bigger plant of the two. All its nurture went into producing more and more leaves.

The blue one was a smaller shrub, but had more blooms.
Just after my purchase I was looking over a garden magazine in my mother’s doctor’s office. The doctor also gardens, so she wanted to know what plants I had. When I mentioned the Endless Summer hydrangeas, she said "Ah, those will probably not even bloom next year."

But here are those plants now, in photos taken a week ago and also this morning. This is the white one on the back corner of the house:

The blue one is still much smaller, and is in the garden bed at the back fence. But it has blooms also.

From summer 2005 to June 2008, nothing was done with the outside, so I am very happy at the improvements that have taken place since then. As a result, last week was Share-a-Garden-Week here on Oak Rise Cottage blog, as I did three blog posts on the new things happening outside. After sharing on Sunday about how I was developing the new white garden bed, I shared the New Front Garden on Monday. The new Back Yard Enhancements were the subject for Outdoor Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping to see my improving garden. I hope you will come back soon to see more. Your comments are welcome.