While visiting Katherine at Yellow Rose Arbor I learned that January is National Hot Tea Month. Her posts have included fascinating teapots and tin containers for tea.
First to post about the January celebration, La Tea Dah at Gracious Hospitality has been featuring various posts on nice array of tea topics. Tea lovers will enjoy the visit to Dame Agatha Twigs Tea Room in Port Townsend, WA.
Here is a website with more information on the January celebration.
With all the snow we have around here, hot is a welcome beverage. At a luncheon on Sunday January 6 the hostess gave each guest some organically grown dried herbs from her garden. This included some peppermint to steep for a hot drink. I love peppermint tea and always find it soothing and delightful to drink.
As I took out the Christmas china from my pine hutch in the kitchen I wondered what I would display next. Hearing about January as Hot Tea Month reminded me of my blue and white teacup collection which was stored over a year ago when the kitchen was being painted. I readily located the saucers in the kitchen cupboards, but forgot that the teacups were under the bed in the guest room. There are two dozen teacups and saucers in the collection. They each represent one vintage or current pattern by English, American, Danish, French, Japanese and German manufacturers.

Once I have it all well-placed in the cupboard, I will take and post photos.
Thank you for visiting Oak Rise Cottage. I hope you will return soon. Your comment is much appreciated.

Your blue teacups are lovely. I will have to stop by the other blogs you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!
That is a beautiful blue and white tea cup collection! I'm so glad you brought it out again!
How pretty! Thanks for telling us about National Hot Tea month, I never would have known!
The only teacups I have match my good china, and it's all still boxed up... ;(
My new (old) Japanese tea set I bought at the auction has no cups with it, but I'm still searching the internet for some! The only one I have found so far had been turned into a nightlight of all things... *sigh*
Given all the snow in your neck of the woods in the last few days, I can see that National Hot Tea Month isn't just a celebration-- it's a necessity! Here's hoping you're somewhere warm with a good hot cuppa, Carrie.
Love the blue and white! Love, Esther
wowwwwwwwww is beautiful!!!!!!
I'love china!!!!!!! ciao Mary
pretty, pretty, pretty (hmm, I sound like Robert Byrd!)--love blue and white!
Your blue and white teacup are stunning! I think the cobalt blue and white combo is my favorite! I have several of the teacups and saucers you show --- maybe 2 or 3. You have some others I have never seen before. I also collect blue and white teacup and saucers, but don't have as many as you do. I use a cobalt blue Fiesta Ware teapot, creamer, and sugar with them.
Thank you so much for mentioning Gracious Hospitality in your post.
Enjoy a lovely day! Isn't National Hot Tea Month fun? We've been trying out a new hot tea each day from a selection of tea samples we ordered. Yum!
What a delight! I especially love those last two, so unique and beautiful. It had to giggle to read that you have tea cups stored under a bed though.
Ahhh! I didn't go down far enough to see this collection. My mother-in-law has many dishes similar to these too!
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