My heartfelt thanks to each person who left a comment to the three previous posts. Your kind words are most appreciated. Again, I’m glad to write in response to questions you’ve asked.
From Katherine at Yellow Rose Arbor came the query, "Can you give us more details of what you eat for breakfast and lunch that holds you all night? I'm curious!"
Carrell at Country Charisma indicated, "Would love to know what they recommended for your breakfast and lunch."At NEWSTART we were urged to "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, supper like a pauper." So our biggest meal would be breakfast.
The cafeteria provided substantial meals that kept us well-fed without hunger pangs in between meals. In any case, we were also urged to avoid snacking so our meals had time to digest properly. We also got lots of encouragement to drink lots of water between meals.For your interest, here is a sampling of what we ate that gave wonderful satiety** through the day and night.BREAKFAST: 
Whole grain Oatmeal or other whole cooked cereal
Whole grain cereals: Maple Nut Granola*, Sunflower Date Granola, Pineapple Granola,
Whole Grain Corn or Rice flakes
Milk: Almond milk, Soy milk, Rice milk
Beans and other legumes such as lentils
Entrees like Scrambled Tofu as an egg substitute
Fresh fruit: apples, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi,
Whole grain breads
Spreads/ Sprinkles: almond butter, Nutritional Yeast Flakes
Whole grain pasta dishes
Baked or mashed potatoes
Brown Rice dishes
Salad bar: lettuces, tomatoes, cucumber, kidney beans, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, croutons, etc.
Fresh fruit: apples, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, etc.
Whole grain breads: raisin, wheat, spelt, multi-grain
Spreads/ Sprinkles: almond butter, nutritional yeast flakes, flax seed flakes, date pieces, sunflower seeds
Green salad fixings
Soups: Lentil, vegetable, barley, etc.
Whole Grain Bread
Spreads: Hummus, Almond butter, Peanut butter
Fresh fruit platter
Whole Wheat Herb Crackers*

*Illustrations from
Weimar Market website.
We received cooking lessons in the cooking school kitchen from Sally Christensen and her two assistants. Mrs. Christensen edited the Newstart Lifestyle Cookbook.
For our last lesson we prepared a delicious Mexican luncheon.
We each received a copy of the NEWSTART Lifestyle Cookbook upon arrival our first day.
**sa·ti·ety definition
Pronunciation: /sə-ˈtī-ət-ē also ˈsā-sh(ē-)ət-/
Function: n
pl -eties ; : the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2007 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
I am linking this post to a new meme, Whatever Wednesday hosted by Kimberly at Terra del Sole.