My current illness has given me many, many things to be thankful for:
When I had a small stroke early on Friday April 2, I was able to reacheach person I called – something that rarely ever happens, no matter what time of day. I reached my brother two states away, the head nurse at my primary care physician’s office, and most importantly, my youngest sister, who lives 50 miles away. Having the day off, my sister came and took me to the hospital Emergency Room, and stayed until I was installed in the Intensive Care Unit, as a new stroke patient.
There, the doctor, all the nurses and other staff were very caring and helpful, as they worked to bring my synthoms under control.

In a few days I was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. The doctors, nurses,aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists and others, made me feel in good hands. I concentrated on cooperating with everything - a dozen medicines, 3 hours a day of therapy, lots of needles, hospital food, etc., etc.

I was very thankful that the stroke was a small one, affecting my left leg. Soon I regained strength on my left side and my overall balance. I was happy to see my middle sister, who took off a few days to take care of me my first few days at home. She flew in from Maryland the night before I was discharged. So both younger sisters came and got me at the hospital, stopping for groceries on the way to my home.

So while this is still a difficult time, I am thankful for many blesssings which God provides such as friends from church who've helped out with errands, laundry and other needed tasks.
Many thanks ot Martha at Martha's Favorites for including me on your prayer list. Thanks also to Terri at Artful Affirmations. and Katherine at Yellow Rose Arbor for your kind support.