Blue Monday is sponsored by our gracious Sally at Smiling Sally.
Reading Gloria’s post today at Happy to Be and Katherine’s post at Yellow Rose Arbor, I was reminded that today is the twelfth anniversary of the death of Diana Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997. Katherine shared a lovely doll and many quotations of Diana’s words regarding the need to give of oneself to those in need. Gloria’s post shared her extensive collection of plates, cups, dolls, books and other items celebrating the Princess’ life.
This reminded me that I also have a large collection, though most of it is in boxes. For several years the collection was on display in my guest room, which is now used by my nearly 91-year-old mother.
The books, however, are on display in and around a small stand for the tv in my bedroom.
The books include biographies, photo books, mostly on Diana, but also on the royal family.

On of my favorite books is A Dress for Diana, which tells the story of how her famous wedding dress was designed and made.
Many books have been written about her fashion sense. One example is Diana: Queen of Style.

Inside another book, Diana: HRH The Princess of Wales we see her dressed in a blue outfit, including her hat.

Here are three books written by people near her: A Royal Duty, by Paul Burrell, The Housekeeper’s Diary by Wendy Berry and The Bodyguard’s Story by Trevor Reese-Jones. It was fascinating to read the different perspectives on Diana's personality and character.

The Diana I Knew is by Mary Robertson, an American whose son had the young Diana as his nanny.

Diana: Collecting on a Princess by Charles Nobles is a guide for would-be collectors and shows items in the author’s own collection. It also suggests prices.

This post is also for Today’s Thrifty Treasures hosted by Rhoda at Southern Hospitality.

All seven books listed below were from the local thrift shops. Most cost about 10 cents each since I usually bought a bag of books for one dollar.
Diana: The Last Year by Donald Spotto
Requiem: Diana Princess of Wales 1967-1987 edited by Brian McArthur

Diana: HRH The Princess of Wales [Photographs] by Tim Graham, Introduced By Clive James.
In Public – In Private: The Prince and Princess of Wales by Alastair Burnet. Photographed by Tim Graham.
The Princess & the Duchess: Inside the Lives of the World’s Two Most Dazzling Royal Women by Josephine Fairley.
The Royal Year 1989 Photographed by Tim Graham
My Story: Sarah, TheDuchess of York, with Jeff Coplon
Enjoy more Blue Monday posts at Sally’s blog, Smiling Sally.
Also, please visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for more thrifty treasures.