The vintage teacup I’m sharing today is white with a cobalt blue and light blue pattern embellished with gold trim.
The mark is in green -- a W topped by a crown. I have no idea what the name of the maker might be. If anyone knows or has a guess, I would appreciate hearing from you.
UPDATE! Blogger Johanna from Germany has informed me that "The mark is German from Heinrich Winterling in Marktleuthen." She also provided the URL for the manufacturer's marks:
Thank you, Johanna. If you've not visited her blog, Silber + Rosen [Silver and Roses], you must do so. I spent over an hour perusing her blog and book website, and bookmarked several posts to return with comments.

The inside of the cup has the same pattern as the saucer

The sides of the cup is gently sculpted and has gilt decoration.

The foot of the cup is curved white with four gilt stripes.

The cup handle has gentle curves harmonizing with the overall design;
I am quite delighted to add this set to my blue and white teacup collection!
I am linking today’s post to:
Tea For Two Tuesday at the Plumed Pen.
Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday with Wanda Lee and Pam at The Silken Purse.
Tea Party Tuesday at Sweetology.
Tea Time Tuesday hosted by Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage.
Oh pretty tea cups everywhere but this center stage cup is delightfully lovely! I am always loving these blues! Thanks for sharing. Anne
What a pretty little teacup! I love blue and white and that set is extra special with the gilt striping! Thanks for sharing.
Lovely collection!
Please come see my blue, have a great week ahead!
What a beauty. Thanks for sharing these beautiful blues.
Happy Blue Monday, Carrie.
Your blue and white teacup collection is just gorgeous. I'm a big blue and white fan and have a lot in my home. Love you new addition with the lovely gilt striping.
Marianne :)
Hi Carrie,
I am so happy to have you join me for tea today! Your blue and white teacups are fabulous and they look so pretty in your cabinet. Your featured teacup today is just so pretty with the gilt stripes and curved pedestal bottom. It is a stunning teacup. Thank you for sharing it with us and have a wonderful week.
this cup is so unique. the blue is so regal and just stands out and I love how the cup sits on that little pedestal...very nice and thx for sharing at the Tea party!!
Oooh, love blue & post has some blue & white too! Great collection. Love the saucer shape. Happy Fall~
What a wonderful collection of blue and white china (my favorite). Your new teacup is beautiful - very regal and elegant looking.
Hi Carrie,
Thanks for your visit in my blog.
I loved your blue and white china collection, so well displayed!
As to this beauty, the only mark I know with a crowned W is of Wallendorf, Germany, but it doesn't look very similar to this one.
Try to do a little research around Wallendorf marks , maybe you are lucky.
Thanks for sharing.
Maria Andrade
Maria, Thanks for the tip. I will research Wallendorf marks!
I wish I could tell you about your beautiful cup, but I have not seen that mark before. It is such a pretty cup, such vibrant coloring.
Hi: You win hands down, that is the most beautiful cup this week. It is amazing! I don't know who made it, it does look German, but not sure. It is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Martha
Martha, It’s interesting that you say it looks German. Earlier in the comments Maria Andrade suggested I check out Wallendorf china marks, of Wallendorf, Germany. I’ve started to do so, and it is astonishing the many manufacturers marks listed on various online sites.
Thanks for your lovely comment,
Hi Carrie,
your tea cup is beautiful and perfect for your collection. The mark is German from Heinrich Winterling in Marktleuthen. Look at this homepage:
The mark is on the bottom of the page listed and they say, since 1934. I hope, this will help you. Anyway, the cup is a real treasure.
Hope, you enjoy many lovely teas from it.
Best greetings, Johanna
The pattern on your cup and saucer is so striking, as is the almost square shape of the saucer. Just lovely!
Hi, Carrie. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting! How wonderful to meet you and to find your beautiful blogs! This teacup is sooo beautiful. I'm so happy that Johanna was able to tell you about the mark! Johanna is a treasure! I'm so happy to have found your nativity blog. I don't have a full collection, but I love the nativity and have four sets, and our 3 year-old granddaughter loves them too. She even knows the names of the Three Kings! Please stop by again soon.
Thank you, thank you, Johanna! I really appreciate this information. I just took some time to visit your lovely blog and you book website.
All my best to you,
Carrie – Oak Rise Cottage
Your blue and white collection is wonderful.The cup you showed is extra pretty.Blue and white was my Mothers choice of collection.Mine is Brown and white. Although I have various others I like too-don't we all :)
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