Monday, September 21, 2009

Blue Monday and Today’s Thrifty Treasures – Enamelware Pitcher

Blue Monday is sponsored by our gracious Sally at Smiling Sally.

Please visit Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for more thrifty treasures.

A stop at the hospital thrift shop on Friday gave me another blue item to share. It is an enamelware pitcher which I got for one dollar. Such enameled metal kitchenwares were popular and affordable household items.

The deep blue background is spattered with white blotches, hence the term spatterware.

The lid is hinged

Thanks for stopping by and do visit again soon. I enjoy when you leave comments. Please visit our hostesses as listed above.


  1. That's so pretty, and you only paid $1.00. Amazing! Happy Blue Monday.

  2. Great find! Thanks for joining the party today.

  3. Nice! Cute name too - splatterware :-) and it shows :-) Will you actually use it or for display only? I can see flowers LOL

    Happy Blue Monday!


  4. That's so cute. Are you going to use it or perhaps fill it with flowers?

    Please stop by and say hi.

  5. Alicia & Mythoughtsmyvoice –
    I plan to use it for dried or fresh flowers.
    All my best to you!

  6. That was a blue bargain. I love spatterware. We use it for picnics. Happy Blue Monday.

  7. I love enamelware. I learned, as a teen, to make the best Iced tea in an enamelware pitcher.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  8. Wow, what a buy - I saw the same one at a thrift store and they want 12 bucks !

  9. Very nice!
    My sister has the one similar to this that my Grandma used to use :)
