Monday, April 6, 2009

Blue Monday – "Hosanna" Painting by Helen C. Read

Blue Monday is sponsored by Sally at Smiling Sally.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Son of David, riding on a donkey and hailed with branches of the palm tree.

Illinois artist Helen C.Read sent an email with a link to her web site where her latest paintings are shown. The email indicated. "I have posted apainting which depicts something about Palm Sunday, and I have plansthis week to post drawings and paintings that walk us through the significance of this special time of year. I hope you'll visit my blog and come back throughout the week."

This sounds like a great opportunity to see art related to this Easter week. I hope that others will take time to visit her web site to see these special paintings and drawings.

Here is the painting for Palm Sunday, entitled "Hosanna."

Please click the link above so you can read her wonderful exposition about Jesus' ministry and about the Palm Sunday event and the days following.

Enjoy more Blue Monday at Sally’s blog, Smiling Sally.


  1. Thanks for sharing that painting. I'll have to go check out her site.

    Barbara Jean

  2. Very Pretty!
    Happy Blue Monday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. Thank you.I went over there and visited...Ann

  4. Hi Carrie,
    Happy Blue Monday {a day late} Thank you for visiting my blog. The painting is wonderful! I will go check her out. I am so happy to 'meet' another sister in the Lord who is not ashamed to express herself and her beliefs on her blog.


  5. This painting is beautiful, Carrie. I'll stop by for a visit. Thank you!

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