Thursday, April 2, 2009

ABCs of the Word – H

Pam at Grey Like Snuffie hosts ABC’s of the Word to focus on a scripture in which the week’s letter is highlighted.

This week’s letter is H

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself and became obedient to death—

even death on a cross!

Philippians 2:5-8 NIV

For more ABC’s of the Word visit Pam at Grey Like Snuffie.

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  1. Oh dear...having the attitude of Christ-I need to apply this with my children. Beautiful peice of scripture here.

    Thank you!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  2. Good one to start my day...thank you Carrie

  3. So glad i stopped in tis morning to share in your H day! I love this scripture. Attitude is everything. Humility and grace is tantamount to the Christian experience and life. it is so nice to visit. I hvent been visiting much of anyone lately. so busy! I dont know if I've told you my daughter is living in Marlborough MA until june when they finally get to take possession of the condo they have purchased in Ashland. The folks who live there now cannot move until early June! The kids are loviing the area, although amanda hasnt found a job yet. We are praying for a lab research position there in Ashland. Do you live anywhere nearby. They are also having trouble finding a good church. Another real prayer need! Have a great weekend!

  4. It is easy to see, all about the attitude, but sometimes so hard to apply. The flesh can certainly reel it's ugly head. Psalm 51:10...create in me a pure heart.


  5. I try and try, but I admit, I need to work on my attitude at times. sigh*

  6. Humility. Such a wonderful quality and I think it is often a choice, to say " No, Self, not you and your ego, your status, your view of yourself!" Easter is a lovely time to consider Christ's humility in leaving it all behind for our sakes. Thank you for the letter, H, Carrie!

  7. This would be a good one to have decoupaged and hanging where it could be seen daily!

