Rejoice, rejoice for Christ the Son,
The Savior of the world has come
Bringing peace to everyone,
The Savior of the world has come.
Sing the carols, sound the horn,
Ring the bells, the child is born.
Little drummer play your drum.
The Savior of the world has come.
Hallelujah we will sing,
Hallelujah He is king.
Join every nation, every tongue
The Savior of the world has come.
To unite us old and young
The Savior of the world has come.
Hallelujah He is born,
Hallelujah He is Lord.
Hallelujah, we will sing.
Hallelujah, He is king.
Halelujah, He is born.
Halelujah, He is Lord.
Here is the performance as uploaded to YouTube:
The melodic voices and sweet strings provide a lovely serenade for this Christmas Day.

Beautiful, Carrie! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I hope your holiday was Glorious!
Aw...thank you for your blog visit! i sure hope to come and see you often ! :)
You have helped make my day :)
Hi Carrie.
I hope you and yours had a very Merry and joyful Christmas. Happy New Year too!
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