Thursday, September 25, 2008


I found out Tuesday morning that Virginia at Living the Local Life has tagged me for seven weird or random things about me.

Well, here are a few random things:

I enjoy multi-tasking
My first car was a brand new white Toyota Corolla 1974 named Nicole, nicknamed "Coco"
I can only drive automatic transmission cars
I have visited 27 states in the United States, plus the District of Columbia
My favorite part of getting ready for company is setting the table, but I also enjoy planning all the details of the event.
I began a collection of snowmen items in December 2007 because the last Christmas card I received from my elder brother (who died in April ’06) was in December 2005 and it featured snowmen on the card.
I don’t think I would want to live near a big lake or river for fear of flooding.

Now it’s my turn to tag … I hope each one will participate, unless you have already been tagged this time around.

Please follow the rules given in the picture above. I look forward to learning interesting tidbits about each one.


  1. We bought a new 1972 Toyota Corolla. Both of our kids learned to drive in it. It was a neat little car. It looked a lot like a Halloween car. It was orange with a black top. Very unusual selection for us. We usually buy all white cars. I'll start thinking of things about me that I don't mind sharing.

  2. OH this is going to be fun. I will start thinking about it also.
    Have a great day,

  3. Aw what great facts! Nice to get to know you a lil more!

  4. That was fun reading! Thanks for tagging me - that's so sweet of you! I've done it about 3 times so it's going to take me a while to think of something new!


  5. Hi, Carrie ...

    Thank you for including me in your "Seven Random Things about Me" tag.

    I recently did a post on "Six Unspectacular Things about Me," which covered "random and weird" ... lol Here is the link to it:

    I'm glad your tag led me to your blog. Your coal scuttle is beautiful, as is, in my humble opinion. You don't see many footed ones like that.

    Thank you, again ... I'll be back to visit soon.



  6. How fun, I am going to post this week....I will let you know when it is up. Thanks for including me.
