Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Show and Tell - Brass Coal Scuttle

Show and Tell

One of our weekend activities was a visit to the Lancaster Marketplace, a large indoor and outdoor flea market in Lancaster, Massachusetts. As we were each ambling along the aisles on Sunday afternoon, my niece spotted something that interested her. It was a brass coal scuttle.*

My youngest sister immediately saw it as a possible container for the dried hydrangeas she had bought for my mother. The piece was marked $18.00. However, as we discussed the patina and how much cleaning it might need to look presentable, the booth owner dropped the price to $12.00. So my sister bought it and we brought it back to Oak Rise Cottage.

I don’t think this piece is old at all. It seems to be a decorative piece of recent vintage.

It is of brass and really needs a good cleaning. Note the blue and white ceramic handle.

The sides have brass fittings below the handle. The feet are also shaped brass.

The hydrangeas are very brittle, so I have to plan the arrangement before working with the fragile stems.

Here it is temporarily sited in front of the fireplace till when I can work on it.

To see more interesting personal treasures, visit Kelli for a list of participating posts.

* "A coal scuttle, sometimes spelled coalscuttle and also called a hod, is a bucket-like container for holding a small, intermediate supply of coal convenient to an indoor coal-fired stove or heater. It is usually made of metal and shaped like a vertical cylinder or truncated cone, with the open top slanted for pouring coal on a fire. It may have one or two handles. Homes that don't use coal sometimes use a coal scuttle decoratively.
The word scuttle comes, via Middle English and Old English, from the Latin word Scutlla, meaning a shallow pan."
Retrieved from ""


  1. The brass coal shuttle is very pretty. I like brass things, and have quite a few, but I don't have a brass coal shuttle. I like that you are putting the dried flowers in it. take care

  2. Whata unique brass piece to use for your hydrangias!

  3. What a great find and a bargain too! It looks lovely on your fireplace.

  4. I was going to say the first glance of your brass's a coal shuttle!!

    What a clever, clever idea to make it for holding flowers!!! It looks so perfect on the hearth.

    My Show n Tell this week is entitled 'BEE CAREFUL'....stop by if you can find time. And, have a glorious weekend.

  5. Love how you used it for hydrangeas! Very pretty and clever!


  6. What a pretty way to showcase your hydrangias. My mother in law has one very similar she keeps her magazines in.



  7. That really is beautiful and I love hydrangeas!

    Blessings to you today!

  8. I think the hydrangeas are going to love their new home...I know I do! ;-) Bo

  9. Your brass piece is lovely. I like how you added they hydrangeas. That is wonderful that the booth owner reduced the price for you!


  10. Carrie, what a find! I live the detailing on the scuttle and the hydrangeas are always a fav of mine! I know you will enjoy them!

  11. That is a beautiful brass coal scuttle! I like the blue and white handle. The flowers will be pretty in it.


  12. Great find and it looks great with the flowers in it.

  13. What a wonderful find, Carrie! I love where you displayed it and the flowers are perfect for it!

  14. Hi carrie,

    I love what you had done with the scuttle - it's perfect for those flowers!

  15. Hi Carrie
    Just stopping by to say hello. Your coal scuttle brings back memories because I used to have one too.
    Hugs, Rhondi
