Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Show and Tell – Ice Cream Bowls

Show and Tell

Show and Tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home

This Tuesday I went grocery shopping and bought some Friendly’s Ice Cream which was on sale, buy one- get one free. One is Strawberry and the other Vanilla Bean. So far this week my mother and I have had ice cream three times. Each time I’ve served our portions in special small bowls.
This is how they look.

Back in December 1941 my parents received a set of these bowls as a wedding present. As children my brothers and sisters and I looked forward to Saturday nights when our Dad would make homemade ice cream, using one of those ice cream makers with the hand crank. We always had our serving in one of the little red bowls.

The bowls are 4 1/4" in diameter (or 5 3/4" from handle to handle), and are in the Royal Ruby color in the "Coronation" pattern by Hocking Glass Company. The design of the glass is banded with ribbing. These are called berry bowls and could be used to hold summer berries, fruit or other treats. I read that this pattern was made from 1936-1940. I suppose this makes them a variety of depression glass.

We still had these berry bowls when we moved to New York in 1959 and used them over the years. However, when their marriage ended in the early 1970’s, my mother sought to get rid of all that reminded her of Dad – a lovely French Provincial bedroom, etc. etc. including wedding presents.

But as the years went on nostalgia caused me to seek out these bowls. I bought 10 of the berry bowls and one larger 8" diameter (or 9 ¾" from handle to handle) serving bowl. It was fun serving ice cream to my small nephews and telling them that we had eaten our ice cream out of bowls like these when we were kids back home.

To see more interesting personal memorabilia, visit Kelli for a list of participating posts.


  1. Great bowls. I love how you layered them with the white dishes. Have a great weekend!

  2. Strawberry ice cream? And such beautiful bowls. I collect red glass so this is especially nice to view for me.

    We used to make homemade ice cream when I was a kid too. My job was to pour the rock salt on top of the ice while dad cranked and cranked!!

    My Show N Tell is posted, I hope you can stop by sometime today for a visit. Happy Friday!!!

  3. The ruby berry bowls and the serving dish are beautiful and it looks like they are in excellent condition. They are indeed Depression Glass.

    Grandma had a set like this with the ribbed edges and handles. She used them to serve all kinds of fruits, but hers were clear glass. Grandpa collected them from the gas station.

    This is an excellent post. I enjoyed my time here and thank you for dropping by my S&T Friday and commenting on my garden statue, which one of my blogging friends has named Bo. ;-)

    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Beautiful story and lovely bowls. They are just beautiful.

  5. Good Morning Carrie :)

    What a beautiful way to enjoy ice cream, not only in your favorite coronation bowls but with your Mother! Your setting is marvelous, I bet they were hard to gather, I don't recall seeing many of them.

    Have a Fantastic Friday!
    Kathi :)

  6. Cute bowls and sweet memories to go with them.

  7. Those bowls are absolutely gorgeous! (Also, the ice cream sounds good)

  8. Those bowls are not only beautiful but you have a great "tell" story too. And to think you were able to buy some again to have for your own I love red glass like that. I have some I have collected for my front room bookcase. I think I 've ran out of room though. Thank you for visiting me today. Enjoy today it's Friday.

  9. Those bowls are not only beautiful but you have a great "tell" story too. And to think you were able to buy some again to have for your own I love red glass like that. I have some I have collected for my front room bookcase. I think I 've ran out of room though. Thank you for visiting me today. Enjoy today it's Friday.

  10. Hi, what great bowls to remember your Dad making homemade Ice Cream when you were young. I enjoyed reading your post and reading your memories.
    Love, Ann

  11. What a neat story to go with your collection!

  12. What pretty little berry bowls! And what better to put in them than ice cream! Kathy

  13. It's nice you are creating new memories. And enjoying ice cream too.
    I love the red color.
    The bowls would make nice treat bowls for olives, peanuts or candy when guests come over.
    Have a nice weekend!

  14. What sweet memories (in more ways than one! :-) ) I am so glad those special bowls are still in the family.

  15. They are beautiful. What sweet memories. Great post !

  16. The bowls are beautiful especially with strawberry ice cream. It is so nice that you have them to bring back the special memories. I collect the pink depression glass. Actually I don't collect it any more. I bought mine before it caught on and the prices sky rocketed. I do have several pieces and I enjoy using them.

  17. Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I'm so glad you did! I enjoyed your story. I can so relate, how we connect objects with our memories!

    My mother passed away in March and collected the ruby red glassware. She actually has some bowls just like like! I am going to keep some of it, she had quite the collection!

    I'm so glad you found some of your very own! :)

  18. Just lovely! I'm so glad you were able to find more bowls..they are beautiful keepsakes and reminders of your childhood.
