Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday - Cross Stitch Tablecloth

This post is part of Vintage Thingies Thursday, sponsored by Lisa, the Apron Queen.

In a visit to a local consignment shop in March I bought a few lovely vintage linens, including a couple embroidered tablecloths. Here is one of them, a white tablecloth with blue cross stitching.

This one was just for me, of course, because I enjoy nice linens, embroidery and blue and white.

To see more vintage things, please visit Lisa at the Apron Queen for a list of participating posts.


  1. That cross stitching is beautiful. What time & effort must have gone into it. I don't havethe patience for embroidery. But I love the look of it. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. lovely table cloth. What a lot of work. Great post.

  3. How beautiful, and what good condition! I love blue & white, too!

  4. Very pretty, a great vintage find!
    Happy VTT!

  5. I really love finding great things, especially when they are to be used by myself...I get a smile on my face a mile wide!
    I would be smiling all the time with that gorgeous cloth on my table!

  6. Love the table cloth, colour is beautiful

  7. I came over from LaTeaDah's. I wasn't aware of Vintage Thursdays. That sounds like something fun. Embroidery
    in blue and white is one of my favorites too. This is a very pretty cloth!

  8. Oops wrong url...

  9. Love the blue and white. It reminds me of a tablecloth that I made back in the dark ages that is similar, but it is pink and white. Maybe I'll get it out and share it some Thursday. I haven't participated in the Vintage Thingies Thursday for awhile.

    Thank you about your lovely comments about my dolls.
