Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thankful Thursday - Inspiration

"Before there can be fullness there must be emptiness.
Before God can fill us with Himself
we must first be emptied of ourselves.’
– A.W. Tozer

Right now I am especially thankful for all the sources of comfort and inspiration which are right at hand. For writing in books and journals, television programs, and people who speak a kind word in season.

My sister called Tuesday night to say that her husband had had an accident resulting in his Achilles heel tendon being severed. He is to have surgery on Tuesday May 20.
Please pray for him and for his family as they work to rearrange their daily routines to deal with his inability to drive, etc.
In spite of the accident, we are thankful that his life was spared. Things could have been much worse.

Be joyful always:…give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
1Thess. 5:16,18

For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Iris here.


  1. I've said a prayer for your BIL. Happy TT to you.

  2. Praying for your brother in-law.

  3. Keeping you in my prayers.

  4. Oh dear - I am so sorry to read about your brother-in-law's injury. Glad that they can fix the injury.
    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us, despite the injury of your brother-in-law.
    Be blessed today and always.

  5. Your BIL and his family are in my prayers...

    Your Thankful Thursday always helps me to keep things in perspective... thank you for that!

  6. Happy TT! praying for your BIL. Hope everything is okay.

    Have a great week!

  7. Many thanks to each of you for your encouraging comments.
    God bless you always,

  8. Father I ask that you help this family rearrange their lives. I'm so thankful that you have everything under control and nothing in our day comes as a suprise to you - thank you Lord that you care about the details and I ask that you minister to this family during this season of their lives. Continue to perfect that which concerns them - In Jesus Name, Amen

  9. Praying for healing and a comfortable and speedy recovery.
    Thank you for stopping by my place and commenting. Have a pleasant week end.

  10. So sorry about your brother-in-law.. will keep him in my prayers.

    I realy like the quote you included by A.W. Tozer. Our pastor has been speaking alot about breathing out self and breathing in God. This quotes fits perfectly with that.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!
