Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tea House Visit

La Tea Dah at Gracious Hospitality is hosting a Tea Blog-a-Thon from March 16 until May 31. She has a different theme for each week and you may participate as much or as little as you like. The theme for the ninth week, May 11 - May 17 is Tea Room Ventures and Venues: "Share all about one of your favorite tea rooms. Use photos and descriptions to tell about the decor and ambiance, menus, service, and what makes this tea room special to you. Does this tea room have a gift shop? What kind of special treasures does it contain?"

Eastern Massachusetts has a number to tea rooms. The closest one to my house is the Colonial Tea House in Clinton.

This tea house is attractive but without frills. It has a basic modern take on colonial décor. Tables for two each have two teacups. No two teacups are alike. Larger round tables hold four to six tea drinkers.

Around the main room are framed pictures of teacups, and various tea items on display which are available for sale. Teapots and tins of tea are also displayed on shelves and are for sale.

I took my mother there for a mid-morning break today as we were returning from a medical appointment. We had a pot of "Lemon Sunset" a tasteful blend of "lemongrass, lemon balm, spearmint and rosehips." My mother really liked the pink and white tea cosy which kept the tea really hot. She had three full cups of the tea. Her scone was cinnamon, while mine was blueberry. Double Devon Cream was a nice accompaniment.

Since it was early, we had the room to ourselves and spent the time pointing out various items of interest around the room.

I took my camera out of my purse to take some photos. However, the panel said "recharge batteries." Was I ever so annoyed! I'll have to go back to get some photos of my own. The ones I've used here are from their website.

The small gift shop has tea cozies, teacups and saucers, teapots, and a variety of gift items. As we were leaving, mymother told the waitress that she will bring her youngest daughter (my Massachusetts sister) and grand daughter to take tea here.

Photos from


  1. Thank you for visiting my site! Where was the church flower festival you visited? And when were you in the UK? I think it is simply lovely there and I would love to return one day. How about you?

  2. Oh I know how frustrating it is when your battery flubs out on ya!
    How nice that you can just pop in there with your mom. Sweet!

  3. The tea tray looks yummy!

  4. I like that you can sit by the windows and look out. What a neat place!

  5. The tea sounds delicious. I love anything with lemmon. The tea room looks so cosy and bright. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Nothing worse than a drained battery for a photographer...
    Your tea with your mother sounds lovely, what a nice place to have close by!
    I've never been to or seen a tea house, but hopefully I will be able to travel beyond the "boondocks" one of these days... lol

  7. My husband hails from Massachusetts and some of my in-laws are there. I may have to pay a visit to your tea room when I visit them. Thanks for the information.

  8. maybe I can get my Ct sister to go there with me!!!

  9. What a special time you spent with your mother taking tea! The tea sounds right up my alley as I love lemon and mint together! Thanks for sharing.

  10. This looks like a very nice tea room. I like it's clean freshness and the food looks wonderful! How special that you could spend time there with your mother. It's a special treat!


  11. How lovely to have this near you! I think the unfrill spots are my favorites - I feel comfortable to go to them no matter what I'm doing or wearing.

  12. My husband and I went to Quebec Canada two years ago and two days into our vacation our batteries died. Don't you just hate when that happens. Anyway the tea room looks darling with all its Colonial colors and decor.
    Thanks for the post.

  13. What a pretty tea room, it looks very cozy there. Dead batteries, it always happens at the worst time doesn't it?
