Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am grateful for a number of blessings today.

The promise of the text, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2Cor. 12:9

My mother is recovering from a bad cough and cold which had her down the past few days. She has expressed over and over her thanks for my taking care of her this past week, while my sister and her husband (at whose home she lives) are vacationing overseas.

That I have been able to hold off coming down with a cold myself.

A kind friend who came by yesterday surprised me with an inspirational gift book.

The expectation of spring. The snow will not keep coming, nor will it stay cold forever!

"You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever.’
Psalm 118:28-29

For more Thankful Thursday posts, please visit Iris here.


  1. Yes, Spring will soon be here. We are seeing some flowers already.
    Hold on it is coming!
    Stay well.

  2. So wonderful of you to set aside some time for your mom ... I hope and pray that she will continue getting well and make a full recovery soon. :)
    Blessings ...

  3. Happy TT to you!

    So glad your mom is feeling better. You are a wonderful daughter to help out...

    Blessings to you~

  4. Thank you for that verse, I needed to hear it :-)

  5. Dear Carrie, thank you for visiting me re thatched roofs and on Thankful Thursday I am truly thankful for meeting you via the technology of blogs! To think we can expand our world and reach out and appreciate others in this way! Thank you for your special blog and sharing yourself and your faith! Eleanor at

  6. grateful to learn that your mom was able to shake off the cold and you did not catch it.

    Morning Sniffles

  7. Keeping your mom in my prayers that she is getting better! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!

  8. Hang in there --- winter cannot last forever. :) I hope 'mom' continues to get better and that you don't catch the cold. Enjoy a sunshine day in your heart!


  9. Glad your Mom is better. I'm sure you are such a blessing to her for helping her out! Not all kids do that anymore. Great TT post. God Bless~

  10. Glad your mom is doing better. And yes Spring will soon be here. Yeah! Blessings on your day!

  11. I'm thankful for friends this week too.

    Also I noticed you love to thrift shop and decorate. Me too!! Love the thrill of a bargain.

  12. What a beautiful thankful list!
    Glad your mom is feeling better!
    Livin' With Me

  13. I love how that psalm repeats "His love endures forever" great that you could live it out with your mom this week!

  14. I am really glad that your mom is feeling better, bless you dear one.

  15. I think it is so awesome that you are taking care of your mom so your sister and her husband can take vacation. Glad that your mom is feeling better.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heat with us again this week.

    Blessings to you and yours...
