Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Show and Tell: African Style and Design

Show and Tell

Show and tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home.

Back in February 1996 I noticed a student on campus with a colorful canvas bag for Black History Month. When told that it was available in the college bookstore, I went over and got one for myself. Inside each bag was a leaflet with a bibliography of books on the theme for the month.

Today is February 29, the last day of Black History Month 2008 so I thought I'd do a post on a couple books on African design and style.

A few years back, I saw a program on HGTV featuring interior designers, Sharne Algotsson and Denys Davis, authors of The Spirit of African Design. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1996. In the Preface they state "our goal was to take traditional African art out of the museum and look at it in the home." "We have chosen to showcase homes around us (including our own), sharing their creative use of African and African-inspired art and design."

"Kitchens and Dining Rooms"

"Furniture Forms"

"Africa in Your Backyard"

Another book featuring African design is African Style by Stephane Guibourge. Paris: Flammarion, 2000.

The author Stephane Guibourge is a novelist and journalist. "In the course of his many trips to Africa he has developed a passion for African art and crafts." Designer Annie Desgrippes and photographer Frederic Morellec selected and skillfully presented nearly two hundred items that reflect the African lifestyle. The four sections of the book cover Materials, Colors, Patterns, Shapes.



These two books provide an introduction to a fascinating range of design and style which we do not see very often. I hope this brief post whets your interest in African design and style.

To visit other Show and Tell posts, please go to Kelli’s. Thank you for coming by. Please leave a comment and do come again soon.


  1. Very cool. I like the way you opened the books to show the photographs with in. Great post for the last day of Black History Month! Jennifer

  2. Nice tribute to Black History Month, very interesting items and pictures in the books.


  3. I like the Patterns & Colors,
    books, lots of visual eye candy in those books. Have a great day!

  4. That's interestring. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Those look like wonderful books!

  6. I particularly love some of the beautiful patterns, and the "talking cloths" (can't remember the African Word) are also some of my favorites.
    A great show and tell.

  7. This is an interesting post in tribute to Black History Month. I enjoyed your illustrations and comments. Our church has a Black History service each year --- and it's always interesting and lively! I especially enjoy the music, although the preaching is excellent as well!

