Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Twelve Questions of Christmas Meme

Hootin' Anni has made a new meme The Twelve Questions of Christmas. If you participate, please let her know by commenting on her blog. Here are my answers.

1. Christmas is _______________. [fill in the blank with ONE WORD]
Emmanuel [“God with Us”].
2. In memories, what was the best part of your Christmases past?
Being with family members – the conversations, the food and just the feelings of comfort and joy.
3. Was Santa ever good to you? [describe how and what
Yes, every year, but one special year I got much needed cash.
4. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or both?
On Christmas morning, right after breakfast.
5. Is there something you make each and every year? [craft or recipe]
Devising new arrangements of favorite holiday decorations. But most of all, focussing on Christ’s nativity and sharing this with others.

6. What is your favorite five[5] Christmas songs/hymns?
O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Mary, Did You Know? Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Holy Night
7. Is there a new tradition for Christmas since your childhood days?
Having desserts at one of our homes on Christmas day afternoon or evening, and each one opening one gift held over until then.
8. Describe one of your Christmas trips. [whether it's across town or across country]
Travelling from New York to California in 1980. We went by air to LAX Los Angeles International Airport where my sister and brother-in-law met us and took us to their house. We had about one week of great food and fun, including a trip to Disneyland and shopping at a fine estate sale.
9. Do you have a special Christmas outfit to wear for the day?
Just something festive but comfortable, often red.
10. Have YOU or any of your family members sat on Santa's lap?
My nieces and nephews have.
11. What is/or will be on your Christmas tree this year?
At least five trees: (1) Tree with nativity ornaments (this was in 2002);

(2) tiny tree with tiny vintage glass ornaments and mini Hallmark angels; (3) tiny tree with mini Hallmark nativity ornaments; (4) tree with ivory china angels with musical instruments, ivory china nativity figures, small glass balls; (5) tree with glass and other musical instrument ornaments, pearl bead garland.
12. Do you/or have you decorated your yard for Christmas?
No, just a wreath on the front door, garlands and ribbons on the front step railings, and a garland and bow on the mailbox.


  1. I'm glad you did the meme, enjoyed it, and see we like so many of the same things!

    I love the Nativity tree and other Nativity things, I'm so glad you are beginning to show your collection! I'll have to wait and do mine when we return next week.


  2. How fun learning more about your traditions at the holidays.

  3. Nice to read about your holiday experiences. Five trees this year? Holy smokes. Love, Esther
