Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thrift Store Holiday Items

Taking a brief break the day before Thanksgiving, I stopped at the community service center thrift store. Approaching the store, I could see that both windows were full of holiday wares. I had been waiting for the thrift shops to put out their holiday things. Now I could look for items to add to various Christmas collectibles at Oak Rise Cottage. I was not disappointed, finding numerous items that would fit my collections. My bill came to $15.50 + tax.

The nativity collection is my main collection and I am always on the lookout for things. I did find a stable and two figures. I also have a collection of tree-shaped items to go with the Spode Christmas tree dishes in the Kitchen.
Another collection consists of Santa items to go with my collection of editions of The Night Before Christmas by Clement Moore.
They are packed away all year, but at Christmas time I take out the dolls and bears for their own celebration with a tree, tea party setting, and gifts. Dolls include feminine heroines Madeline and Linnea. The very newest collection is of snowman items. I’ll tell the why in another post.

Here is a list of the items I got -

A wood round table – one of those accent tables used with a table skirt. It should come in handy to hold a tabletop tree.
3 Christmas trees
1 tree-shaped ceramic dish
pair of plastic salt and pepper shakers
1 wood frame mirror with picture of cottage amid trees

5 Santa items
3 Snowman items

a terra cotta candle house
1 small brown transferware dish
covered glass container (just like one I got at another thrift store)
Frames – 1 wood painted white, 1 natural wood with floral picture, 1 painted wood with snowman, 1 ceramic with ginger bread men. [During the holidays I put out photos in holiday frames of my 7 nephews and 3 nieces, my grand-niece and 2 grand-nephews.]

mini display items – 2 rocking horse, 1 wood train engine
cardboard reproduction of Victorian boy
a green beanie babies bear with winter scarf

pottery angel in contemporary style
Two books:
The Step-by-Step Guide to Growing and Displaying Roses
The Christmas Story by Jane Werner (A Little Golden Book)
4 Nativity items (+ 1 book)
Tin with Wise Man on Camel
Vintage plaster angel
Vintage shepherd

Stable. It is rather shabby, but it is big.

Here is the stable with the three main figures from my French Santon nativity. I finally found a stable tall enough for these dressed terra cotta figures.

So now with Thangsgiving past, I am concentrating on taking out the various collections, artificial trees and all the trimmings for holiday decorating. It is so much fun! I find great delight in placing things, and though the process is tiring, I am smiling a lot.

I trust you are also enjoying your preparations for the Christmastide.

Graphic from


  1. Wow!! I wish I had thrift shops around here that had great stuff like that!
    Love your nativity pieces with the cloth clothes... Beautiful!

  2. You did great! All that would have cleaned out our local thrift store. It's a sad store.

  3. You hit the jackpot! I can't get over everything you found and for that price? Wow! Lucky you :)


  4. Lots of neat goodies! Love the stable! Reminded me I bought one at Walmart back in September, I need to get it out.


  5. Great finds! I need to come shopping with you!
