Friday, October 19, 2007

Pincushion Chairs

In her July 10 post for Esther Sunday’s Journal she wrote about her collection of chair pincushions. As I also have a small collection of pincushion chairs, I wrote her a few days ago and said I would soon post about mine. So here it is.
My pincushion collection totals nine pieces and reflects my love of needlework such as embroidery and crochet. My first chair pincushion was spotted as my Mother and I approached an antique shop window. There it was, a tiny chair full of curlicues. Upon closer inspection I realized it was made of tin. That is, it was formed from a tin can, with skillful snips and twists to form the chair shape.

Inside the store I further examined the vintage object and decided it would fit my interest in the chair as an historic object.
As shown in the photos that follows, most of my pincushions are vintage.

This little chair seems old. Made of wrought metal, it is quite heavy and the design is quite elaborate.

These two metal chairs are both silvery rocking chairs. The tiniest one is a souvenir from Florida. It has "FLORIDA" on the chair back. The other rocking chair has an openwork design for the back.

The first of the two wood chairs has a bent wood back and seems to be missing its center back support. The seat is girded round by two rows of bent wood. The second chair is in a solid folk style done in pine wood. Its seat has a round mound of green fabric as the cushion.

This chair is contemporary, made in China. Done in a Victorian style, it is of pink resin with little gilt florets all over. A tiny accent of sculpted roses tops the back and under the rolled arms.

The next pincushion chair by Mary Englebreit. It is an example of her sprightly and colorful motifs. The pins are topped with red hearts.

This example is by Avon and is a milk glass-like crème sachet jar. The white plastic lid forms the seat and scrolling back of the chair. The seat is a soft pink velveteen.

Finally, here is a small related collection consisting of about 14 thimbles. included are wood thimbles from Italy, bone china from England, and crystal from Germany.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi Carrie! Thanks so much for giving me the heads up on posting your collection (and mentioning mine, by the way). Of course, I clicked right in to see them. LOVE 'EM!!! How did you find all these vintage ones? Mine are mostly Mary E's with a few older ones (curled tins) So glad you posted them. By the way, if you like to crochet, I have a pattern book by Annie Potter called Paperweight Pincushions(I got from Annie's Attic) that has an adorable pattern for crochet wingback chair. It is an easy pattern with Red Heart yarn. I also have another pattern book from Annie Potter (from Annie's Attic), called Wicker Wonderland that is doll furniture (including a chair and sofa) done in size 10 thread so it looks like wicker. If they are no longer available from Annie's Attic (check on-line), I would be happy to loan the books to you. (Don't want to photocopy the patterns out of respect to the author) Oh, and I really like your timbles - they are bright and cheerful. Things at the Sunday home are holding their own, by the way. Love, Esther

  2. Oh, such lovely pincushions! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures of your collections. I enjoyed looking very much. :)

  3. Hi Carrie, thanks so much for stopping by, please visit anytime! What a cute pin cushion collections. Have a great Sunday, Theresa

  4. Fabulous stuff! I stopped by from Esther's...
    When I was little, I remember a chair like this that my mom had.. It was gold plastic, not nearly as nice as yours, but I loved that... I hadn't thought about it in years, until I read this post! Thanks for the momories!
