Thursday, October 18, 2007

“The Most Important Catalog in the World”

Bringing yet one more holiday catalog, my afternoon mail yesterday provided the topic for this post. This catalog, however, is different from the many which come offering tempting wares. Heifer International has a unique idea for helping our brothers and sisters who face challenges of hunger and poverty, in the United States and countries around the world. By gifting them with a commodity they then have the means to overcome the privations of their daily life by attaining self-reliance. The photo below, from Heifer's web site, expresses the joy of the recepients.

"The Most Important Catalog in the World" offers many levels of gifting the needy. A tax-deductible gift of $20 provides a flock of chicks; $30 honeybees; $60 a trio of rabbits and $60 tree seedlings. Higher dollar amounts cover costs of a heifer, water buffalo, llama, goat, sheep, knitting basket, or milk menagerie, which will give the recipient the means for long-term subsistence. In most cases you may give as little as $10 as a share in one of the categories. Of course, the offspring of these animals represent a gift that is continually renewed.

Last year Heifer International assisted over 140,000 families. Even in war-torn lands such as Kosovo, Guatemala, Rwanda and Cambodia, Heifer International’s program provides for the needy.

The holiday edition of the catalog has gift cards which you may print or sent by email. There are also gift inserts for sending to honorees. Finally, a Gift Registry permits your friends and family to select gifts to help the needy in honor of your anniversary, wedding, birthday or other event.

You may wish to visit their web site is at to learn about their unique approach to helping the needy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie, thank you sharing the catalogue with us. Caring for the plight of others is good for the soul and warms the heart of your readers, too, not to mention inspiring us to do our part. Thanks again! :)
