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Monday, December 22, 2008

Blue Monday – Vintage Christmas Greetings

Here are two vintage Christmas postcards from my nativity collection. They have such charming well wishes.

Both cards have lovely blue color.

See more Blue Monday posts at Smiling Sally.


Salmagundi said...

Those are great cards! I don't have any with the Three Wisemen. I'll have to look for them in the future!! Thanks for sharing these, and Merry Christmas

The Muse said...

oh wow..i do love your cards! i too collect vintage cards, ok vintage anything and everything! lol...
what a nice way to find your posting...greetings for a blue monday :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely comment Carrie.
I adore your cards and when I took a peek around I saw your beautiful vintage tree and ornaments. You lucky gal.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Claudie from Canada

bj said...

Just beautiful...thanks for letting us see them...
Merry Christmas.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Carrie these are just beautiful Christmas Cards..thanks for sharing..I hope you and your family have a safe and blessed Christmas...hugs and smiles Gloria

Unknown said...

Vintage postcard are really beautiful aren't they. I always enjoy looking at them.

Anonymous said...

These cards are so beautiful! I wish they still made cards like that. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and New Year.

Anonymous said...

I am a lover of vintage cards & post cards & yours are quite lovely. So nice to meet you through Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie. Oh, I see you posted the same poem! Isn't that something! I do hope this will make folks think and to be sure they're ready for eternity!! I wish you a very blessed Merry Christmas,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Carrie, these are SO lovely! I love the pictures on them, and I particularly love what the first one says! Our choir used to sing that at the end of services as the benediction every Sunday growing up!



jlshall said...

Beautiful cards! I'm a vintage card collector, too, and I love these. And they're perfect for Blue Monday!


Wonderful vintage cards!
Merry Christmas! Jewelgirl

Anonymous said...

Vintage Cards are so vividly artistic. Happy Holidays...

Anne Fannie said...

I love vintage post cards. Yours are lovely and perfect for Blue Monday

Marie Reed said...

Ohhh these are pretty! The blue is very calming:)

Mojo said...

Vintage is right! You don't see that kind of artwork anymore.

CIELO said...

Merry Christmas and warm wishes from our house to yours.


Jenn Thorson said...

They really are lovely. I don't come across too too many nativity cards from that time period, so it's really nice to see.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Carrie!