Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas Teas and Tea Cup

With the Christmas holidays getting nearer and nearer, I thought I’d share one of the inspirational books that I reach for during the Christmas season. There are so many colorful books with photos and ideas to make your celebration beautiful and meaningful. On such book is The Twelve Teas of Christmas: Sharing the Season With Those You Love by Emilie Barnes.

The book is illustrated with lovely paintings by Sandy Lynam Clough. The cover illustration shows a tea setting in Sandy’s richly detailed, elegant style, with china, linen, candles, and cookies.

The twelve teas each celebrates a different theme which contributes to the wonder and richness of the Christmas season – friendship, family, joy, warmth, sharing, merriment, peace, Dreams, tradition, giving creation, and stillness. Each of the twelve chapters presents suggestions for menus with recipes, décor ideas, organization and homekeeping tasks, along with tidbits of history, customs and lore about tea and Christmas.
The teacup I’m sharing this week is another$3.00 thrift store bargain. It is Royal Albert white bone china decorated with holly leaves, the "Yuletide" pattern.

As with other Royal Albert patterns this teacup has a graceful shape, including a lovely handle.

The saucer’s rim is gently curved and edged in gilt, following the same lines of the cup rim.

Together cup and saucer make a lovely set. Don’t you just enjoy Royal Albert? It always provides distinction for our settings, and this is especially wonderful during the Christmastide.

I am linking today’s post to:

Tea Cup Tuesday, is co-hosted by Martha at Martha’s Favorites and Terri at Artful Affirmations.

Tea For Two Tuesday at the Plumed Pen with Wanda Lee.

Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday with Wanda Lee and Pam at The Silken Purse and at Breath of Fresh Air.

Tea Party Tuesday at Sweetology.

Tea Time Tuesday hosted by Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage.

Teacup Thursday at Miss Spenser’s Blog.

Thrifty Thursday with Leigh at Tales From Bloggeritaville.


  1. Hello Carrie,
    Oh, I really like your Yuletide teacup. It is a lovely cup with a lovely shape; perfect for the holidays! Don't you just love finding little beauties like this? Thank you for joining me for tea today and have a delightful week.


  2. Hi Carrie: I love that book, it has so many wonderful ideas. I as so happy you found that tea cup. I love Christmas cups. They are my all time favorites. Thanks for sharing them with us. Blessings, Martha

  3. What a festive, pretty teacup. Love!


  4. I love the book and the teacup. The teacup's holly looks very vintage for some reason, which appeals to me. Blessings. Pamela

  5. Your Yuletide cup is beautiful. I wonder if you will use your book and participate in Cuisine Kathleen's Holiday Copycat meme? Seems like a natural. Happy Thanksgiving. Cherry Kay

  6. Beautiful cup. My favorite Christmas Book is "A Christmas Cup of Tea" by Tom Hegg - - If you haven't read it, you must! Its a story that brings tears to your eyes, but makes you think of others, too!

  7. I love that book! And I have always loved that teacup pattern. So pretty! Thankks for reminding me how close it's getting!
    Happy TT!

  8. Oh my, yes, Christmas is coming! I adore your pretty cup and saucer.

  9. Hi Patti,
    As it is, I am working on my next tea post and it is to feature “A Cup of Christmas Tea.”
    I have the book and its sequel, plus the teapot and cup ornament, etc. Hope you can stop by next week for that post.

  10. Yes, I do enjoy Royal Albert! And your Christmas tea cup set is very sweet! What a pleasure to use during the holiday season.
    The book is full of great ideas. Here is wishing you a lovely holiday season.

  11. Patti,
    your tea cup is lovey, love the pattern, holly is so festive, just right to "drink" in the holidays!
    Thanks for visiting!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Carrie,
    so sorry about calling you Patti,
    I was reading the comments above and typed patti!

  13. I love that book so much, the cup is lovely! Thx for linking up last week, sorry for the delay in visiting but sure glad I didn't miss this!

  14. I missed your post last week...don't know how! This is a favorite book on my tea book shelf and I love the Yuletide pattern. One of the prettiest Christmas designs! Thanks for sharing it with us for TT!

  15. Pretty neat stuff.

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