Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Paragon At Last

In all my purchases I hadn’t bought any teacups by Paragon either for myself or for one of my sisters who collects cabinet teacups (that is, elegant cups and saucer sets suitable for display in a cabinet). Most of Paragon cups are on the expensive side, and while they are readily available for purchase at full or perhaps even discount prices, for myself I’m just adding teacups and saucers found as downright bargains.
At the three thrift shops in town I always stop to look at the teacups. After clarifying that the cups were all priced at $3.00 each I started to review them. A pretty gilded yellow and white one caught my eye. Imagine my surprise when I turned it over and saw the mark for "Paragon Fine/ Bone China/ England Reg’d"
The mark on the bottom of the cup includes the Royal Warrant coat of arms and statement, "By Appointment/To Her/ Majesty The Queen/ China Potters"
(Sorry my photo is so poor)

As many designs by Paragon, the saucer is decorated overall with a pleasing pattern:

The teacup has parts of the pattern on the outside of the cup and on the inside as well.

The cup and saucer are edged in gold, besides the elaborate gilt decoration that distinguishes this pattern:

Lately the shop staff have been rather overwhelmed with donations, so that the shop is overflowing with all sorts of merchandise. I have been seeing people coming in with multiple boxes stuffed with things of all sorts and quaality. Usually books are 50 cents for hardcover and 25 cents for paperback. However, they have so many that week before last Thursday, Friday and Saturday they had all books free! Sadly, as it happened, I didn't go in on any of those days.

Hopefully, I will find more lovely teacups to add to my and my sister’s collections.
I am linking today’s post to:

Tea Cup Tuesday, is co-hosted by Martha at Martha’s Favorites and Terri at Artful Affirmations.

Tea For Two Tuesday at the Plumed Pen.

Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday with Wanda Lee and Pam at The Silken Purse.

Tea Party Tuesday at Sweetology.

Tea Time Tuesday hosted by Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage.


  1. Just hopped over from Artful Affirmations.
    Wow, what a lucky find! I, just last week, bought my first fancy tea cup and it was a Paragon too! And it has the same "By Appointment To Her Majesty the Queen" on it and the coat of arms. I feel so regal just having it! I paid quite a bit more for it than you paid for yours but I love it so it was worth it.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. You certainly did well on your tea cup purchase, and it is very pretty!

  3. Hello Carrie,
    You did well on your teacup. It is a wonderful shape and the colour is so lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us today.


  4. What a lucky find Carrie! I love these colors...so bright and vivid. Happy Tea Tuesday!

  5. Golden, glistening and gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Lovely paragon tea cup. Love the colors. Perfect for a fall tea! Happy Tea Day!

  7. This set is so pretty. Beautiful design and the color is really pretty...Christine

  8. Hello,
    what a luck for you to find this fabulous tea cup. It is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  9. Your new Paragon find is fabulous...and for $3!!! Lucky you! I do adore a Paragon cup. The yellow pattern with the blue accents is really cheery and beautiful. I am so thrilled you found this one.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  10. Really beautiful,meeting you has been a pleasure

  11. Hello there dear lady,

    Oh my.., I just love this Paragon teacup! The color and pattern is exquisite!

    Thanks for joining us once again for tea!

    Hugs, Wanda Lee

  12. So vibrant and beautiful.

    - The Tablescaper
