Monday, August 23, 2010

Mosaic Monday - Summer Flowers

On my return from my California trip I found my garden pretty wilted by the heat and lack of water while I was away. But there were still some blooms and I've made a couple mosaice for Mary's Mosaic Monday event.

The Stella d'Oro daylily and Rose of Sharon plants were given to me last June by a friend. The hydrangeas and impatiens were bought at area garden centers.

This mosaic features hydrangeas. They are Endless Summer and were planted in 2008.

Be sure to visit Mary at Little Red House to see the mosaics prepared by other participants.


  1. What a disappointment to find your flowers wilted but luckily you have hydrangeas and Stella d'oros that can withstand a lot of heat!

  2. My hydrangeas are wilted too, but they seem to be the only flowers that spring back after a little water!
    Thank goodness!


  3. Great photo's. Hydrangeas, you just have to love them. They are never ending and very undemanding.

  4. I envy you your endless summer blooms. I have not had one for two years.

  5. Oh, gorgeous flowers make wonderful mosaics!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Beautiful! I love this hydrangeas mosaic. Wish I can also see that in person. Thanks for sharing.

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