Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday Events

Tea Cup Tuesday, co-hosted by Martha at Martha’s Favorites and Terri at Artful Affirmations.

The teacup I’d like to share for Tea Cup Tuesday is "Summer Beauty" by Roslyn, fine bone china made in England.

The gilt edged cup and saucer has a floral motif in pinks, white and yellow with green leaves. The cup has the floral motif on both sides of the cup as well as on the inside.

The saucer has gently curved edges:
I've set this break-time vignette with a few items from thrift stores. The floral picture in the oval wood frame is19" tall x 16" across. The cost was $3.00 plus tax.

Enjoyable browsing is right at hand with two Mary Engelbreit Home Companion books, "Collections" and "Plates." They were $4.98 each.

The Roslyn teacup and a salad plate from Heinrich & Co., made in Germany, provide for a leisurely cup of tea and a scone.

The teal cloth is one of four 19" napkins from a thrift at 25 cents each. They have a pleasing pattern in a tone on tone -- a square in the center and a wider border.

I am also linking to the following blog events:

Table Top Tuesday hosted by Marty at A Stroll Thru Life and Nifty Thrifty Tuesday hosted by Linda at Coastal Charm .

Teatime Tuesday, hosted by Lady Katherine at Lady Katherine's Tea Parlor.

Tea Time Tuesday, hosted by Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage

Tea Party Tuesday, is hosted by Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses

Second Time Around hosted by Diane at A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Please visit other participating bloggers from the lists at each hostess' blog. Thank you for stopping here today. Please leave a comment if you wish.


  1. Such a pretty cup and saucer! Love florals.. they are always so appealing! Those books look like a fabulous bargain too!
    Lou xx

  2. That is a beautiful cup and saucer! I love the salad plate from your Heinrich china too - such an unusual shape! I have two sets of Heinrich china - it is quite lovely. Happy Easter!

  3. Good morning Carrie,
    Your Summer Beauty teacup is simply beautiful! I love the soft colours and the shape of it. Your salad plate is lovely too. I am so happy you have joined me for Tea Time Tuesday again this week and I have added your link to my post. Have a beautiful day, my friend, and Happy Easter to you and your family!


  4. Super charming...so lovely!! happy tea time!

  5. Hi Carrie
    I think all English fine china is beautiful and your cup and saucer certainly is. I have those two books too, They are great. I'm so glad you invited us for tea today.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  6. Great bargains and beautiful treasures.

  7. Thanks for sharing your pretty china pattern.
    Happy Easter

  8. Hi Carrie! LOVE your pretty cup and saucer today! The pink and yellow colors are perfect for Spring!.. And I love the blue cloth napkins you purchased too! ~tina

  9. I love this style of vintage china, thank goodness it is still fairly easy to find in thrift stores stc. I shall call again. happy Easter, Eli

  10. I love tea cups! Beautiful! Be blessed. Cindy

  11. Beautiful teacup and saucer. Just gorgeous. YOur plate is fabulous too. Those books look like they are right down my alley. I need to find them. Thanks so much for joining the party. This is such fun. Hugs, Marty

  12. Your tea cup truly is a summer beauty!! The colors are so pretty and what great buys you got at the thrift shops!! Especially the books! Good for you!!

  13. Such lovely tea cups! & such lovely finds~ Happy Easter to you~Theresa

  14. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!


  15. Oh that is such a pretty cup! And your setting is just lovely. Thank you for sharing with us all!

  16. Hello there sweet lady,

    My Carrie, this teaplate and teacup is just so beautiful!..,I love the pretty colors and also really enjoy floral patterns; so summery and lovely!

    Please do also pop by and visit my tea party as well my dear!~

    Perhaps you could also partake with my little, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', as well sometime; I'd simply love to have you join me for 'afternoon tea' at my blog as well Carrie!..,

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

    P.S.~ Today I have featured my own little, 'Wanda Lee', 'jewelry display mannequin dolls' at my 'Ladies Tea Lunchion', 'Tuesday Tea For Two',tea party; which you may enjoy.

  17. Your tacup and saucer are beautiful! And what a great bargain to find those to collector books!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

  18. Very pretty tea cup and saucer! I love the colors, and your blog! Have a very happy Easter! Marcia

  19. Summer's Beauty is so lovely! I so glad you joined me for Tea Time Tuesday! I just adore your plate, oh the napkins are so pretty! Such a charming Tea vignette! You have some lovely treasures! Thank you for sharing them with me for Tea!

  20. What a beautiful cup and saucer and I just luv those ME books...great deal!

    Happy Easter!

  21. Beautiful tea cup. Thank you so much for sharing and being a part of Tea Cup Tuesday. There are so many of us the love tea cups. Visiting everyones sites is a buffet for the eyes. Have a blessed Easter. Martha

  22. It was fun reading about your teacup of the day -- and seeing all your thrift shop finds. I have the little plate book and love it! So many great ideas!


  23. Beautiful china! I love the ME books!

    Happy Easter!


  24. I'm so happy to have stumbled onto your blog. I love your collections and your photographs are wonderful. I will definitely have to stop back in and see what is new later. Take care.
