Monday, December 21, 2009

Vintage Christmas Tree Ornaments

Blue Monday is sponsored by our gracious Sally at Smiling Sally. This post is also being linked to Vintage Christmas Monday, hosted by Joan @ Anything Goes Here.

Here are some of the vintage ornaments I bought in December 2008. I just enjoy the colors.

In November 2007 I visited a local antique shop and selected these blown glass indent ornaments. The redflective indents really look pretty on the tree.

My finds included a few Santa ornaments. A couple of them look like they’re made of bread dough. One cute little Santa is in an unopened package from Grant, a store which went out of business years ago.

The vintage and other ornaments seem to combine well with the tinsel tree I bought in 2007 at Home Depot:

Merry Christmas to all our blogger friends and their loved ones!


  1. I used to have some ornaments just like those, Carrie, but all of them broke one by one. Happy Blue Monday and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. Carrie
    I haven't been here in a while. I LOVE THEM ALL...merry Christmas and enjoy your ornaments. Keep them away from the animals...if you have any lol
    Happy Blue Monday
    Love Claudie

  3. Great eye candy! I love those old ornaments!

    Have a beautiful Christmas, and a wonderful long weekend, too!

  4. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful ornaments and thank you for being a part of Vintage Christmas Mondays. xo Joan, your hostess
