Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three or More Tuesday – Silverplated Topped Salt and Peppers

Three or More Tuesday is sponsored by Tam at The Gypsy's Corner. Please visit her for more participating posts.

The post just below tells of my receiving two sets of salt and peppers through the Freecycle Network. After breakfast as I was passing the breakfront in the dining room I spotted another similar set.

Here are the two sets I got through Freecycle last week:

This is my set (with the salt inside), along with a very similar one. At first I thought they were identical but soon noticed the difference in the designs.
Notice that the glass bottoms on my set have scalloped edges continuing the ribs on the sides,
while the other set is just ribbed to the bottoms:

Thanks for stopping by. and do leave a comment.


  1. Both sets are gorgeous. I love the pretty ribs in both of them. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  2. Those are just beautful. I have just one set of crystal salt and peppers...and they are not have as lovely as yours. Good for you!

  3. Very pretty salt and pepper shakers. They do look very simular indeed. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Thanks for making a cameo appearance at my place today ;-) You have some lovely shakers and love the scallop edges on the one set. Come back for a visit real soon.

  5. Love your salt and pepper sets - I'm drawn to those old silver topped sets whenever I go to an antique shop or sale. Thanks so much for stopping by Mimi's Garden today. Have a wonderful week...Kathy

  6. Those are really pretty! I love the shape and the old silver tops!


  7. These salt & pepper shakers are lovely and you sure got lucky finding them on freecycle.
