Monday, July 6, 2009

Celebrating Presidents of the United States

Blue Monday is sponsored by our gracious Sally at Smiling Sally.

I’ve been watching programs on the History Channel on various presidents of the United States – Washington, Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. This brought to mind some miniature books I have which were published by Achille St. Onge of Worcester, MA. The books were finely printed in Holland and bound in genuine leather in France. The sizes are approximately 3 inches high by 2 inches across. The subjects chosen by St. Onge for his books included many titles relating to presidents of the United States:
Here are two bindings of the text of The Declaration of Independence, one in dark blue the other in light blue:

Paul Revere’s Ride: A Deposition – The personal account by Revere of his famous ride with an introduction by Esther Forbes. The cover is blind-stamped with an illustration of Revere on his horse.

Historic American Stamps are illustrated with actual U.S. postage stamps in the Historic Flags Series. Alongside the leather bound St. Onge book is a knockoff on cheaper paper and cardstock made by the Merrimack Publishing Company. Both have blue covers.

Two books by U.S. Presidents – Science and Freedom by Thomas Jefferson, and The Wants of Man by John Quincy Adams.

Two books on Abraham Lincoln. The first is the text of an address by Carl Sandburg before the U.S. Congress on February 12, 1959. The second, Abraham Lincoln: The Song in His Heart by Kenneth A. Bernard, tells of his love of music.

The next three books record the inaugural addresses of presidents Eisenhower, L.B. Johnson and Nixon. LBJ’s is bound in light blue and Nixon’s in navy blue.
The Inaugural Address of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was published in three editions, with slight changes to the bindings which were all navy blue leather. On the back covers of two a gilt-stamped wreath surround the president’s famous initials and his birth and death dates.

From another miniature book publisher, Ward Schori of The Schori Press in Illinois, comes another Lincoln book – Lincoln the Literary Genius by Jacques Barzun.

The first book I got from The Schori Press was Washington’s Farewell Address. Note the gilt-stamped portrait of Washington in a decorative oval and the floral motifs on each corner or the brown leather cover.

Each Independence Day gives us another opportunity to enjoy focus on those who made contributions at the highest leadership levels to the development of the United States of America.

I am also linking this post to Today’s Thrifty Treasures hosted by Rhoda at Southern Hospitality.

I made a brief brief visit to the thrift shop on Thursday hoping to find some patriotic items. I found three wooden items:
A wood star painted yellow with a flag motif heart cost 25 cents. The 7" high star has a wire hanger. The tiny 1" wooden star was free.

The other item is a 15" tall wall hanging. A girl with red white and blue clothing has a flag-motif heart and is suspended from a banner which declares, "Let Freedom Ring"

Thanks for your visit; I hope you will come again soon. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Those books are real treasures! I bet they are fun to have especially this time of the year to remind us the importance of the leadership of these men. Sally

  2. Thanks for sharing those beautiful little "history" books. I know you are proud to have them.

  3. What great treasures - thanks for sharing.

  4. What a wonderful collection of books, and I especially like the Lincoln ones!

  5. So cool ! I didn't know books like that were made..Love our history !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  6. So cute! I love the little "Let Freedom Ring". We are hearing fireworks here tonight. All were cancelled last night because of rain so we are having the 4th on the 5th


  7. Carrie,

    Those books are soooo neat!!! Thanks for sharing.

  8. What a nice collection of miniature books. How are you displaying them? You found some cute Americana items that you can use more than once a year. I never find holiday stuff at the thrift stores... Glad you stopped by for a visit today! :-) Sue

  9. Sue,
    I keep my miniature books in three special bookcases my father made for me. One if of pine and the other two of mahogany. I am glad you like the little books.

  10. You have certainly collected an incredible range of miniature books! They could become family heirlooms!

  11. What a beautiful collection of books! Great treasures! Happy Blue Monday.

  12. what neat blue books!

    happy blue monday.

  13. You have a valuable collection of history, and you're a bargain hunter! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  14. What a great treasure you have with those books! Nancy

  15. Fascinating collection of historical books. I would love reading some of those. We have much to be grateful in those documents and the lives of those people.

    Kathy b

  16. Wonderful little books!

    I am glad you treasure them and have shared them with us.

    Happy Monday!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  17. What wonderful treasures. That is a fascinating collection. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

  18. I love the books! What a perfect collection of Americana.


  19. What a GREAT collection of history you have!

  20. Howdy
    What a fabulous collection .
    Thank you for sharing these today.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Happy Trails

  21. I love your books! What a terrific collection to have and display during patriotic holidays. Excellent!

    Happy Blue Monday!
    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  22. The book collection is incredible! Such historical treasurers!

    Thanks for sharing!


  23. What fabulous treasures the little books are! You have amassed quite a collection. Your new patriotic decorations are so cute. laurie
