Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vintage Book for Literary Doll

Well, here we have another post on literary dolls. In a previous post we met Linnea, Madeline, Raggedy Anne, and American Girl Addy, and in a second post, Alice in Wonderland.

Today the literary character is the young Swiss girl, Heidi. My doll is by Effanbee from the 1980’s. She is 11" tall and has on a navy blue dress with tiny white flowers, with a pinafore over her dress, and a kerchief over her head. Her petticoat and bloomers are white and her shoes are black.
Her long blonde hair is braided and tied with red ribbons which echo the red hearts on her pinafore.
She sits in a doll-size Windsor chair.
Here is a vintage copy of the book, Heidi by Johanna Spiryi, which I found at the community thrift store. The cover is yellow printed in navy blue.

The book was published by International Readers League, New York in the year I was born, following World War II.

The edition is part of The Child’s Classics series.

Aside from the color frontispiece opposite the title page, painted by Anne Anderson,

there are no illustrations in the book. This makes it seem that, though a child’s classic, it was written for adult use. So, I’ll have to be on the lookout for a child’s edition, don't you agree?

It was good to have you visit today. Please come again soon. Leave a comment if you wish.
See more Vintage Thingies Thursday posts listed by Suzanne at Coloradolady.


  1. You have a lovely collection of dolls. Even today, at my age, I still like dolls. They make them so life like now.

  2. Oh, my, I love your Heidi. I am a doll collector of mainly my own childhood friends but I get some others to add to them. Shame on me for missing your earlier post. I am off to correct my lack of energy from last week.

  3. i think your Heidi doll's gorgeous and i love the vintage copy of the book too :)

  4. Your doll collection is great. Neat that you have the book to go with your Heidi.

  5. Love that story, love your book, and LOVE that doll. She's SOOOOO Scandinavian!!!
