Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday – What’s Growing Now

Just a few notes on what’s growing outside at Oak Rise Cottage. I have not been able to do much yard work due to chronic back problems.
In mid-May the plant beds near the side fence were over run with wild violets. Toward the back, the Siberian Iris was coming up nicely, as were the Daylilies in the front.
Hosta ‘Albo Marginata’
Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Silver Spangled' Archangel-Yellow
This was the end of the white tulips which looked lovely.

Currently, June 10, there is little blooming among the perennials, but the green plants are very healthy looking. Two viburnum plants next to the fence will soon have white blooms, and hosta ‘Albo Marginata’ looks like a large rosette.
The Siberian iris is just about done blooming.

I need to buy and plant some annual flowers to fill in around the green plantings. Then I'll just need to have someone dig the holes for me.

On the front side lawn a large oval of green and white ornamental grass has a row of arborvitae as a backdrop.

Enjoy the rest of this week and the weekend as well. Do stop by again soon.
See more outdoor delights in Outdoor Wednesday posts at Susan’s blog, A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Carrie! You have some beautiful plants in your yard! I am sorry you are having back problems. I know it can be frustrating (as well as painful) when you can't do all the things you want to do! I hope you find some relief soon! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  2. What a lovely garden. I am very fond of hostas, so I, of course, loved yours. Thank you for sharing your photos with us. Have a wonderful day.
