Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday – Container Plantings

Container gardening is a great way to have portability and versatility in your garden, patio, deck or other area of your property. Here are some photos of my 2008 container plants in terracotta, concrete urns, and white plastic containers.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blushing Bride’ Endless Summer Collection [White] cement urn

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmer’ Endless Summer Collection [Blue or Pink] cement urn.

Fiesta Purple Double Impatiens [magenta color] – in cement urn

White plastic Versailles planter boxes - Hosta Bressingham Blue

Sempervivum "Hens and Chicks" in low terra cotta planters are surrounded with a metal hen and her chicks.

Pink Dahlias in white pot
Hosta undulata ‘Albo Marginata’ – terra cotta planters
White Viola and Yellow Viola - in two cement urns

The plant nurseries have such variety nowadays. We have so much to be thankful for, don't you agree?

See more Outdoor Wednesday posts at Susan’s blog, A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Carrie! Your containers look great! I love hostas and hydrangeas! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  2. I luv hydrangeas especially the blue ones. J'adore your urns...I have a thing for them too!

  3. Hi Carrie,
    Loved your containers and your beautiful plants, thank you for sharing.

  4. OH I love your containers! The white chair is so pretty too!

  5. Last year's planters sure were pretty - I bet you can't wait to see what is in store for this year! ~ Robyn

  6. Yes we DO have lots to be thankful for! I love your container gardens -- do you leave the hosta in the containers all year round? and then they pop up in the spring?

    Just curious!

  7. Cass, Yes, I do leave the hostas right in their containers all winter. I put most in the garage and then bring them out in the spring, but have one in the Versailles planter that was left outside and it is coming back just fine.

  8. Oh gosh, Carrie, your container gardening is great! I haven't done very well with mine when I've tried, they've always gotten very dried out. But you really have a green thumb-- or perhaps a whole green hand or two. :)

  9. Carrie You did an awesome job on the planters and urns. Love the metal chicks.
    Thanks for sharing.
