Monday, April 20, 2009

Metamorphosis Monday - I Won a Wall Decal!

The doorbell rang a little while ago and there was a long package for me:

Three Fridays ago Laura Ingalls Gunn at Décor to Adore had a Friday Freebie giveaway for a free wall graphic courtesy of Paul David Wilson of Wilson Graphics. I left a comment and the random number generator chose me as the winner.

Here is some information of Wilson Graphics, a company which produces custom full-color or photographic Vinyl Wall Graphics and Art Decals:
"Besides a large selection of stock decals for decorating your home," Mr. Wilson also accepts your commissions for custom graphics to suit your decorating need.

I was excited to see the large decal I received:

Here are two photos from the Wilson Graphics website which show clearly the beauty of the design:
Here is the description:
"Decal Size: 27" Wide x 40" Tall. Enhance your room's decor this classical chandelier. This simple stylized image works well two to three foot down from the ceiling."
Do click here to visit the Wilson Graphics website. There you will find an amazing array of wall decals to enhance your decor.

My plan is to redecorate the master bath and use the chandilier as a focal point on the far wall. I have really grown tired of the wallpaper that came with the four-year old houose when I bought it in 1991. So I’ll be having the wallpaper stripped and the wall painted. This project will make a great future Metamorphosis Monday post!

Please also go to the listing for Metamorphosis Monday, at Susan of Between Naps on the Porch.


  1. I'm anxious to see your finished bathroom with the decal! Should be a fun accent. I've never seen the Orchid china pattern before - it sets a beautiful table - so unusual. Sally

  2. What a sweet decal! Girl, could I ever decorate around that! Congratulations on winning it.


  3. I love that decal...Good for you! And your bathroom plan sounds great...


  4. Congratulations!!! The decal is just gorgeous. I can't wait to see it in the bathroom. I'm sure it will look stunning. Hugs, Marty

  5. Go for it. Get that wallpaper off those walls. I talked about removing wallpaper on my MM post today as well.

  6. that's sounds like a neat project...and fun to do...congrats on winning!

  7. How beautiful! I think it will look awesome on your wall!


  8. Wow, that is some HUGE decal. How neat to be able to "hang" that chandelier in your bath; can't wait for that reveal. Too bad you have to take wallpaper off -- probably the worst home dec job ever!


  9. Beautiful. Congratulations on winning. I am looking forward to seeing the redo of the bathroom.

  10. All of your goodies are very pretty. Looks like you won something to be treasured. I'm a sap when it comes to things like this :)

  11. Congratulations! The idea for your bathroom wall sounds fantastic. Can't wait to see it! laurie

  12. Congrats! Always fun to win something.
    Can't wait to see your bathroom redone with this.
    Linda Q

  13. Oh I can't wait to see the finished project.

  14. Jnette,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. By the way, Wilson Graphics has offered to let me have a giveaway of a wall decal on my blog. I'll know in about a week. Stay tuned....
    All the best,
