Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday – Tower Hill Botanic Garden

With the coming of spring to our area I am thinking of going to enjoy the beauties of the wonderful Tower Hill Botanic Garden, in West Boylston, MA. Here a some of the photos I took there in September 2008

I enjoy seeing statuary amid the plantings. Here are some delightful cherubs

I am looking forward to setting out my pots of succulents on my deck. Here are some that the Botanic Garden has on display.

Aren't we fortunate to have these institutional gardens to enjoy an outing and to find inspiration for our own home gardens?

See more Outdoor Wednesday posts at Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. Beautiful. My fave are the different types of cactus in pots :-)

  2. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Carrie! Your trip to the botanical garden sounds like fun. I know you are ready for spring! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
