Thursday, February 19, 2009

ABCs of the Word – A

Pam at Grey Like Snuffie hosts ABC’s of the Word to focus on a scripture in which the week’s letter is highlighted.

This week’s letter is A

"Abstain from all appearance of evil."
1 Thessalonians 5:22

This is a text my mother has often quoted, explaining that, as Christians, we should do all we can to avoid situations or inferences that might even give a false testimony.

For more ABC’s of the Word visit Pam at Grey Like Snuffie.

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  1. Oh, just got into a big discussion with my husband and friend after we girls came home from the Beth Moore study we're doing on Esther...she made a HUGE point in last nights session about how we not cause husband said whether the women in his office are trying to be sexy or not seeing too much of them is getting REALLY OLD....he brought up this scripture...not sure of their intent but it seems to be inviting trouble. We will continue to keep going through the alphabet several times I hope. Hope you have a grand day with Him!

  2. You'll get a loud AMEN from me, too, particularly in the area of the way women dress.

    Blessings, Lana

  3. Good word for us free will Americans...ABSTAIN! Yikes good reminder...

  4. A strong word we all need to take seriously!


    In His Graces~Pamela
