Thursday, January 15, 2009

ABCs of the Word - W

Pam at Grey Like Snuffie hosts ABC’s of the Word to focus on a scripture in which the week’s letter is highlighted.

This week’s letter is W

Finally, brothers, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8 NIV

For more ABC’s of the Word visit Pam at Grey Like Snuffie.


  1. Hi Carrie!
    I was tagged and now I'm tagging you. I hope you'll come over and play :0)
    I hope your day was great!

  2. Oh how I wish my brain worked like when I was younger. I find it harder to memorize scripture...and this is one that I constantly think about but can never remember all the parts. Excellent choice. W scriptures are really bringing out a treasure trove. Have a grand day with Him Carrie!

  3. Oh! So many great W's this week. I love this one Carrie. Thanks for sharing it :0)
    Have a wonderful day...

  4. Hello Carrie!

    Oh my how many times have I quoted this beautiful passage and often remind myself and others of its words. Thank you so much for sharing.



  5. i did a talk at one of our women's retreats on this verse and the importance of using it as a veil of Christ to hang in front of our use it as our judge for what we take in and what we put out...
    such a powerful Word for us today...

  6. That is one of my favorite scriptures. I have it on a plaque in my office at work. That verse is key to our attitude, and our attitude since God looks on the heart of man is key to the very core of who we are. Thanks for choosing that for the "W" verse... and for posting it.

  7. What a beautiful passage, Carrie!
