Thursday, November 20, 2008

Trim the Tree Thursday – Cream and Gold

Trim the Tree Thursday is sponsored by Brett at The Southern Hostess. Last weeks entries were quite a treat.

I’d like to share the ivory and cream decorations that I use on my bedroom dresser. A 2’10" fir tree sits on the dresser in front of the mirror. It is decorated with clear mini lights, pearl garland, cream and gold glass balls, and porcelain Renaissance Angels and the matching the nativity ornaments by Lenox.

The mirror has a garland trimmed in white and gold ribbon and white and gold glass balls and angel ornaments.

Here are the ornaments with Mary and Jesus, Joseph, and Wise Men.

Also on the dresser is a five-piece nativity set with figures dressed in ivory gauze and gilt accents.

For more Trim the Tree posts see the list at Brettinsky’s blog, now named The Southern Hostess.


  1. It's all just lovely, Carrie!

  2. Those angels are so pretty. I LOVE the colors!

  3. Hi Carrie! I really like your cream and gold tree trimmings and on your dresser top! Beautiful...

  4. Hi Carrie, You made a beautiful and elegant display. The nativity set is so pretty. ~Melissa :)

  5. That garland is just perfect! And the nativity is beautiful-it just makes it all go!

    Thanks for joining!

  6. I love both your nativities but the gauzy one on your dresser is my fave!

  7. Lovely, Carrie - I like that mirror a lot!

  8. The nativity sets are wonderful. Love that you remember why we celebrate Christmas. Sally

  9. Good Morning Carrie!
    It's so pretty and so elegant. I love the look and the decorations you've used. I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas, but I will. My tradition is to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. I hope you have a great day!

  10. Hi Carrie...I just love your decorations and the nativity is awesome. It's such a pretty but chilly time of year. Thank you for sharing. :)EllenL a new blogger from MA

  11. Hi Carrie, great verse below. And I LOVE the 5 piece set on your dresser. That is so beautiful.

  12. Carrie...this is stunning...the nativity is it! Susan

  13. Ooooooooo Carrie...just beautiful!

  14. Carrie, this is just beautiful! The nativity figures are breathtaking. laurie

  15. That is a beautiful tree, I like how you carried the theme throughout the room!

    You are getting me in the mood to do Christmas decorations! I hope to start the Sunday after Thanksgiving, after our company leaves.


  16. You tree is lovely and you inspire me to decorate my room. The one room I never do! Thank you for sharing.
