Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Thursday – Help in Time of Need

In this Thankful Thursday post I want to express my gratitude for the ways the Lord has provided for my financial needs. I have been very burdened with how to meet my various bills and expenses. I prayed that the needed funds would be provided and my prayers have been bountifully answered. Here are two most recent examples.

1. A car repair that I understood would cost a bit over $200 ended up costing $408 instead. A cash gift I had received earlier from a relative and had deposited, allowed me to write a check to pay the bill in full this past afternoon.

2. I’ve needed to find a chest of drawers to replace one I’d sold a few years back when I needed to raise some money. While waiting for my car to be repaired yesterday afternoon, I decided to take a walk and went to a nearby thrift store. It was just before closing when I noticed a very nice solid wood chest of drawers which would coordinate with the dresser I now have. The price was just $20 due to a bit of damage inside one of the drawers. With tax and delivery fee, it came to just $33.

"Be still before the Lord and
wait patiently for Him."
Psalms 37:7

"The faith we bring to prayer must include
a trust that God is able to hear our prayers
and that He is disposed to answer them."
–R.C Sproul

Read more expressions of gratitude for God’s blessings in the lives of His children at Iris’s blog.


  1. God is so faithful to meet our needs sweetie.

  2. Praising the Lord with you for all of His mercies in every form they come...and for your provision! What a nice TT post!

    Blessings to you!

  3. It isn't reassuring that God's mercies - while they often surprise us - they never surprise Him!

  4. Oh I love how God meets our every need! He knows them before we do and His provision always comes right on time. We only need to believe and trust in Him!

    Have a blessed day basking in His goodness!

    In His amazing grace,

  5. I know, car repairs always get you...I have been there. God always provides for our needs - if they are tangible or spiritual...I am glad that you were able to pay cash for the repair. Great find at the thrift store :)

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

    Be blessed today and always...

  6. OH thank goodness for the thrift stores everywhere! It might not be Scriptural, but I like to beleive that God rewards my thriftiness by provided EXACTLY what I need at the Good Will!

    God is GOOD!
    Happy Thankful Thursday,

  7. I just love it when the Lord shows himself faithful!

    This is my first time here. I love all your tea cups! Or should I just say I love everything tea! I'm sitting here now sipping on s cuppa as we speak.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  8. God provides... we can rest in Him for this promise. God bless you, carrie. ♥
