Thursday, October 2, 2008

ABCs of the Word - K

Pam explains the purpose of ABC’s of the Word:
"God gave me this idea to start stirring up the Word in each of us by going through the alphabet, one letter each Thursday. I just think it would be cool to see how many different scriptures are listed each week. Even if it doesn't start with the letter of the week, make it predominately about that word that corresponds with the letter of the week. Other than following along with each week's letter there are no rules. Join in when you can and be blessed. Don't worry about missing a week or joining at letter I---whatever, I will willingly add anyone's blog at any time. Let's be encouraged by His Truth!’

This week’s letter is K.

and it shall be opened
unto you.”
Matthew 7:7

This is one of many promises that reveal God's willingness to come to our aid.

For more ABC’s of the Word visit Pam at Grey Like Snuffie.


  1. He's always standing there with us...ready to answer when we knock, ready to show us himself when we seek Him.
    What a comfort to know He will NEVER leave us or forsake us...

  2. Good morning Carrie. We were on the same wave length this week with knock. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  3. You and Ellen B. had the same scripture. One of the wonderful things about God's can read it over and over and never get enough of it.
    Have a wonderful day!
