Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Word-Filled Wednesday – Psalm 19:1

Sponsored by Amydeanne at The 160-Acre Woods, the "purpose of Word-filled Wednesday is to share God’s word through photo’s & a verse!"

Illus from

The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament shows His handiwork.
Psalm 19:1 NKJV

The picture shows the Andromeda Galaxy in a NASA space photo. As astonished as we are about the spectacular sights in the heavens, it is nothing compared the the great glory of the Creator Himself.

For more Word-Filled Wednesday
please go here.


  1. Beautiful - simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi, Carrie! Goodness what a perfect pairing! I love the photo and the verse is perfect. I also wanted you to know I tagged you for the Autumn Friends award! Check in at my site for more about that!! God bless you, Sweetie!

  3. What a beautiful illustration! Happy WFW! Blessings to you!

  4. i'm always stunned when i see shots like this one...He amazes me!

    today we had wonderful weather and cool the sixties...waaaahoooooo!
    finally some relief from the heat...

  5. Our God truly is amazing and unsearchable...
