Monday, September 29, 2008

A Visit to Tower Hill Botanic Garden

Tower Hill Botanic Garden is owned and operated by The Worcester County Horticultural Society, the third oldest horticultural society in the U.S.A. Its 132 acres of gardens, meadows and woodland trails, is located at 11 French Drive, Boylston, Massachusetts.

This is the entrance gazebo.

Three cars took several family members to enjoy the beauties of nature after our dinner at the restaurant. In the Educational Center a begonia society was having a show and sale. There, one brother-in-law found needed information for a treasured plant he has at home.

Entrance doors looking out from the Center toward the eighteenth century farmhouse.

Sweet smelling gardenia just outside the doors

In the Entry Court were interesting potted succulents

A few of us went on to the Orangerie where we enjoyed the potted plants and statuary in the brick and glass conservatory structure.

A wall fountain

A lemon tree

We then proceeded out to the Systematic Garden which "presents twenty-six distinct plant families, making it a virtual encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom." The Italianate style of this garden is expressed in statuary amid the plantings.

A grand urn along the path

Unusual white roses

A lovely planting bed

On the return path to the Orangery

Looking back up the same path

Our final jaunt was to the south end of the Lawn Garden where the Pergolas and terrace overlook the Secret Garden.

The double pergola is a nice structure, providing shade and a great vantage point.

The Secret Garden is planted with "perennials chosen for their fragrance and delicate texture."
It was now almost 5 p.m. closing time, so we were unable to walk down into the Secret Garden. We watched as a bride and groom were being photographed there.

I hope you enjoyed this excursion to the wonderful Tower Hill Botanic Garden.


  1. What a lovely and refreshing trip down the garden path. Just what I needed today on this wee-bit-draggy Monday.

    What a delightful way to celebrate such a monumental birthday. (I'm praying for you as you recover -- I call it "hospitality-lag.")

    You have given such a great gift that many will remember for a loooong time. Thanks for letting me share in the fun with these delightful peeks from the blog. : )

    I received your "tag" and thank you for the interest in my "facts," but as I am so backlogged right now, I will have to set it into the basket of "things to do on the blog" and let it wait for just a bit. I hope you understand. : )

  2. i'd love to be walking there...looking closely at all the plants--they're beautiful! This time of year is especially refreshing with the cooler temperatures.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Just dropped in to catch up with you, dear Friend. Gardens, coal scuttles, a wonderful 90th birthday (love to your mom), spiritual food, things about you (I(I also enjoy setting the table for a party best) and a prize for me. Thank you! I enjoyed all the postings. And I enjoy your visits. It just seems to take me a while to get round to everyone who has left their visiting card at Thatchwick. Sometime I want to ask experienced bloggers how they manage answering all the comments timeously.

  4. What a beautiful place! I can almost smell those gardenias from here :)


  5. I so enjoyed this post.... I love gardens, gardens made me happy, and this post, and your photographs have made my heart sing... thank YOU.



  6. Hi Carrie,

    Thanks for the tour! I think I would love to live in a botanical garden. That urn is simply spectacular!

  7. I almost felt like I was walking down the garden paths. Thank you so much for this lovely visit.

  8. I enjoyed your tour of the beautiful gardens! What a special time you gave your family! Thanks for sharing it with us as well!

