Thursday, September 11, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday – Bargain Homer Laughlin

This post is part of Vintage Thingies Thursday, sponsored by Lisa, the Apron Queen.

As I am pressed for time with visitors coming by tomorrow, I’ll just share a thrift store purchase I made this spring. There was another lady in the store who is always buying up lots of stuff. I think she is a buyer or dealer. Anyway, we both observed some china in a box but I had my hand on this oval dish. She indicated that it looked like Homer Laughlin, I picked it up and sure enough, the mark on the back read, "Homer Laughlin/ Virginia Rose/ Made in U.S.A." I took it to the desk and was told "25 cents".

The 11 1/2 x 8 3/4 inch plate is creamy white with three sprays of pink flowers and green leaves. The two ends are carved and rim is outlined in silver. It is a very pretty dish.

I put it to use in my bathroom to hold a small vintage perfume tray. Added accessories are three Victorian style music instrument ornaments decorated with pink roses.

Nearby is a wall pocket with two cherubs. A small crochet doily in the pocket holds two more instrument ornaments and a gold package of bath salts.

Well, thanks so much for viewing my vintage item for today. Do return for another visit soon. For more vintage items, please see Lisa at the Apron Queen.


  1. Oh I love your thingies! They are very pretty.

  2. Great find on your Homer Laughlin dish! I recently wrote an article about Homer Laughlin on my website about American made products,

  3. Old dishes can be recycled for many uses as you have just proven. I especially like old restaurant dishes by Homer L.

  4. ahh.. I have some of that. They also made Fiestaware.. right?

  5. Lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  6. What a find, and it looks great w/ your cherups!
    You should check out Blue Monday with Smiling Sal for your blue and white items!

  7. beautiful!It is so pretty and a bargain too!

  8. Wow, what a great discovery and the way you've used it is very creative!! xx
