Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pretty Flowers & An Award

While out running errands with my Mother we met a friend of mine at the CVS store. She invited us to follow her car to her house. There we were greeted with the many flowers she had planted all around her front side and back yards. We had a nice visit and refreshment inside with her mom and sister. She gave me some cut flowers – huge dahlias and two others, but I don’t remember the names. Here they are in vases in my kitchen.

Edited to add: skoots1mom commented that the spiky flower above is a Cleome (Spider Flower)

Edited to add: skoots1mom commented that this flower in the cobalt blue vase is a Pink Rose of Sharon Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

When we returned home I got an e-mail from Karla at Ramblin’ Road telling me she had nominated me for the I Love Your Blog award! How nice, Karla, I appreciate this very much!

Now it's my turn to pass it on. These are the rules for this award:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.

I am pleased to nominate the following seven of many blogs which I enjoy visiting:
Lisa – An Apron a Day
Charlotte – Dolls Dolls Dolls


  1. The flowers really are pretty. But I love the whole window sill picture, with the white bunny and dishes, and the blue/white candle holder. That is really beautiful!

  2. love the flowers...
    thanks for sharing

    come visit

  3. Thank you so much for the award. It is the first one I've gotten for Dolls Dolls Dolls. I'm very honored.

  4. Dear Carrie,

    Thank you so much for the sweet award!!! I love your blog, it is just lovely! You are so kind!!!

    I love the pretty flowers and the photos you took of them. I also loved the photo of your windowsill with the bunny and the blue and white things.

    Thank you again for the award and for you kind comments!


  5. Hi thank u for making my day... Ok, I am not computer savy so i do not know how to transfer that award onto my blog, help. thanks so much! mishelle

  6. I believe the flower in the blue vase is a Pink Rose of Sharon Hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)...
    so pretty!

  7. Thanks, skoots1mom, I remember my friend saying Rose of Sharon. I'll edit to include this information.

  8. Thank You sweetie for the help, I think i did it. I added your blog to my list too. mishelle

  9. ha ha...i found the other flower...that is in the container with the dahlias...

    it's a Cleome (Spider Flower)

    i love looking up flowers!

  10. Thanks again, skoots1mom, I'll edit to add this too!

  11. Thank you so much for thinking of me :) I am honored!

