Sunday, August 10, 2008

Surprise Birthday Supper and Two Awards

Late this afternoon the phone rang and my niece indicated that she and her parents were on the road and would be at my house in half and hour. They arrived with a big box which held a full meal my sister had just cooked at their home some 50 miles south of here. Since tomorrow, Monday, is my birthday, it turned out as a joyous celebration including singing Happy Birthday to me!

To avoid having dishes to wash, she also brought square dinner and dessert paper plates, napkins and cups. They are white with a pretty pink, lavender and yellow tulip pattern.

The menu was thin spaghetti, topped with Fri Chik chunks (vegetarian chicken), red peppers and sauteed mushrooms in an Alfredo sauce, garden-fresh zucchini, and French string beans.

Beverage was cranberry juice with Fresca. Dessert was walnut coffee cake and vanilla bean ice cream.


Earlier today I was truly touched to be given two awards by Nancie of More Than Conquerors. Nancie uses her blog to share her personal story of living with clinical depression. She also uses her blog to give much useful links and information to help others find the inspiration, strength and knowledge important to living with such disorders. I am encouraged to discover her dedication to this effort to help others who might be suffering from the same malady.

Due to my own time constraints for my blogging activities, I will pass each of these awards to two blog friends. Each of these has a blog which is inspiring and informative.

Share the Love
Denise – Shortybears Place
Irene - The Green Greek

Please go to Memoirs of a Mommy to learn about the brave and precious little boy who inspired this award.

Friendship Award
Katherine - Yellow Rose Arbor
Anita – Prairie Dreams


  1. Congratulations on your awards! And you dinner looks scrumptious! Oh, isn't that something we have the same silverware? We can put them all together and have a big ole party!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. You are so very kind to pass this award on to me, I really appreciate you sweetie. Be blessed. I will put this on my awards blog.

  3. Congrats on your awards - and I am so honored you would pass this on to me! Thank you so much!

    Your dinner looks yummy! Reminds me I haven't had breakfast yet... lol

  4. What a pretty meal! Happy Birthday! A nice surprise....Oh! I thought AUC sounded familiar! it is adventist. Well i am too and its nice to see someone out there with similar beliefs. Praise the Lord for your day and for the blessing of Him in our lives....keep in touch

  5. Happy Birthday. What a sweet award and all the more meaningful because of the story behind it. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day. Julie

  6. That was so nice of your sister! And congrats on the awards.

  7. Thank you for the award! I'm glad you pointed it out to me. We were gone so long, I doubt I'll ever get caught up with all my favorite blogs!

