Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Show and Tell – Teeny Tiny Dolly

Show and Tell
Show and Tell Friday is hosted by Kelli at There is No Place Like Home

In yesterday’s Vintage Thingies Thursday post I wrote about two dolls I got for free at the thrift shop. From the same thrift shop I got the doll in this post.

As I was looking over the items on display near the desk in the store, I picked up a dish or bowl of some sort. There inside was this little dolly.

I took it over to the desk and asked the price. Seventy-five cents.

Isn’t she too cute? She looks very chic in her straw hat over her fluffy blonde curls. She has on a white sundress sprinkled with tiny heart flowers. White lace trims the hem and form cap sleeves. No shoes cramp her little feet.
Her 5-inch tall natural wicker chair came with the matching table and one more chair for $1.00 at the same store.

At 3 ½ inches tall, she is made of porcelain bisque with arms and legs that move. So she can stand or sit.

For more personal treasures, visit Kelli for a list of other posts.


  1. Cute little dolly. I have some wicker furniture almost just like yours. Interesting that the doll was in the dish.

  2. The doll and the furniture is SO cute! Loves it!

  3. This was in a dish?!!! Man, that was lucky. She's adorable. And I really like the wicker furniture too.

    Happy Show n Tell day.

  4. Very sweet! It is just like a little bisque doll I got DD at Cracker Barrel once. The dress is different. I think we still have the doll.

  5. She just looks like summer times, doesn't she? And the furniture matches perfectly! What a find!

  6. How cute! I have a few minis like her and they they are just precious. : )

  7. What a cute little doll and such a great deal!

  8. At those prices, my house would be
    filled with more goodies! Great

  9. My sisters and I had that same wicker furniture and we're old so it must be antique! Nice to visit your blog....

  10. Your doll is so cute and I just love the little chair.

  11. Pretty little dolly! My daughters had that little set of wicker doll furniture, now that I think about it, I think I still have it put away somewhere!

    Thanks for your prayers.


  12. What a sweet little doll! I lover her face and the chair is cute as well!

  13. Carrie,

    Cute doll and even cuter doll furniture!

  14. I'm tickled that she seemed to have been reading a tiny Victoria magazine...

    That's right, Carrie- they're never too young, or too tiny, to learn. :)
