Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday - Free Apron - Thanks Lisa!

This post is part of Vintage Thingies Thursday, hosted by Lisa, the Apron Queen.

This is my third post today as I play catch-up on my blogging activities. My item is a lovely vintage apron.

It is green gingham embellished with white rick rack, and white cross stitch embroidery.

What makes this recent acquisition really special is that it is a giveaway from Lisa at
Confessions of an Apron Queen. I got it for participating in a special offer she posted here.

Many thanks for the apron, Lisa. Green is one of my favorite colors and this works great in my kitchen. My mother really admires it also.


  1. I'm so glad the color works well for you. Bet you look lovely in the apron! Thanks for sharing. Made me smile. :)

    For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen

  2. Very pretty! Green is one of my favorite colors, too!

  3. Hi, Glad to see you back to blogging!

    Pretty apron! I have an apron my grandmother made me, maybe I'll share it someday!

    I hope you enjoy your scrapbooking project!


  4. Love the color and the rick rack! I think every apron needs pockets, you've got a great one, here!
