Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Gardening Continues

I continue to enjoy working on getting my yard in shape. While it does need some weeding right now, it is still very pleasant to look around at the plantings while walking around or viewing from the deck or windows.
Alongside the fence at the south border of my yard, a globe arborvitae forms as backdrop for a lovely daylily.

In this area you see lots of the light orange daylilies as you drive down the street. This year bright yellow daylilies are also in evidence. The ones I have are a dark terracotta with a lighter shade in the center.

They are part of the south border alongside the 6-foot privacy fence.

Most yards in this and nearby neighborhoods have hostas. They are used singly, in rows and in circles. I have two types of hostas in my garden. Here is the hosta ‘Albo Marginata’ which has light purple blooms on long stems.

The hosta ‘Bressingham Blue’ produces white flowers

A view from the south border on the left toward the new planting under and between two maple trees.

This new garden bed consists of three large hosta ‘Bressingham Blue’ and two hosta ‘Albo Marginata’ with a few yellow marigolds.

The white plastic planter box also contains a hosta ‘Bressingham Blue.’

While I was taking pictures a squirrel appeared at the bottom of one of the maples.

He kept looking at me as he climbed the tree, and then went out of sight.

A second white planter box is seen here in a photo of the south border taken before the daylilies were in bloom.

Alongside the garage are three globe arborvitae and two rhododendrons.

Here is a view to the right of the garage facing the street.

The ornamental grass forms a large clump on the lawn. I like the green and white stripe.

This view if from the front lawn looking across the front steps toward the garage. On the left below, the lower steps are bordered by a row of mugo pine.

On the front steps, instead of the yellow and white violas I had in the cement planters earlier this summer,

I currently have one blue and one white hydrangea plants which will be planted in the yard soon. They are the ‘Endless Summer’ variety, which should re-bloom during the summer season.
Along the side of the steps is a grey-green licorice plant.
On one of the lower steps is a double impations in a lovely magenta color.

Impatiens take a lot of water and readily droop all over when the heat dries up the pot. Of course, they come back very beautifully when growing conditions are right.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my summer garden and that you will return soon. Have a great day!


  1. Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.

  2. Very nice! I love your hydrangeas and the daylilies! I sure wish I had that much room to garden!

  3. Hi, Carrie, thanks for stopping by. Looks like you are doing very well with all your blooming lovelies. So pretty!


  4. Thank you for visiting Oak Hill Homestead, Carrie. I've enjoyed my visit here at Oak Rise too. I didn't know that others did Thankful Thursdays - thought I was the only one! :-)
    Joyfully, Kathi

  5. I enjoyed seeing your plants! my daylilies are blooming, now, too. love the licorice plant. thanks for visiting my blog last week, I am just catching up.

  6. Good evening, Connie... thank you for inviting me to your garden; you have a wonderful space to embellish with beautiful plants and flowers.... I too love daylilies, they're great plants, and with or without flowers... I find myself adding more and more daylilies to my garden; they're such great addition...

    It's so nice meeting you


  7. Those daylilies are stunning. I was disappointed (and disgusted!) to discover huge green catepillars in my tomatoes this morning. I was out there 2 days ago. No catepillars then. Those things showed up overnight. Literally. That ate 1/2 my plants & 1/2 my tomatoes. Arrgh!

  8. Hi Carrie~
    Your garden is lovely indeed, and very loved. You have done a fantastic job with it!
    Those lillies are amazing, such beautiful colors.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog...come back soon!
    xxxooo Ruth

  9. Beautiful yard...the gardens are just lovely and the planters are great! Your hosta's are so showy and I also like the way you have a separate area for the decorative grasses. Susan

  10. I promised Kalyn at that I would tell all those who commented on my salad picture on my site that She was credited for the picture I took from her site which I did not realize was copyrighted. I do not want to take her credit. Thanks.
