Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wildflowers in Winter - Stitchery

I learned from La Tea Dah at Gracious Hospitality that Wildflower Morning has a weekly event called Wildflowers in Winter to post about wildflowers. The theme for week 5 from February 13 to the 19 is "Stitching up Wildflowers." "This will be showing creations made with your favorite textiles (fabric, yarn, thread etc.) and featuring wildflowers in some form."
Here are two items that I believe fit this theme. The first was a Christmas gift from the head of my department. It is a counted cross stitch done by his wife and placed in an ornate oval frame. I am not sure what flower is depicted.

The following framed piece is a crewel embroidery I did from a kit bought at a friend’s party. The pattern is called "Butterfly Garden." It hangs on the wall above the television in my study.

For more stitching with wildflowers, do visit Elizabeth Joy at Wildflower Morning for a comprehensive list of posts.


  1. Very lovely, Carrie, thank you for joining us for Wildflowers in Winter! I think the flowers in the oval frame are California Poppies. What a sweet gift. You did beautiful work on the Butterfly Garden. I really like the red and orange poppies and the butterfly.

  2. All your needlework is very pretty! I haven't done much needlework. My daughter used to do counted cross-stitch when she was teen, I would get her to do things I wanted!


  3. I believe Elizabeth Joy is right-- that your mystery flowers are poppies. In fact, it looks like you've got poppies in a few of the pieces. Isn't it funny how finds over time manage to go together? You clearly know what you like and are consistent about it!

    That's part of what makes it all so fun.

  4. I'm so glad you joined "Wildflowers in Winter." I love the needlework you did and the poppies your friend gave you. So pretty!

